State & Chapter Events

Updated 3 July 2024

Click a chapter/group name, or scroll the entire list.

State Cheahmill Corvallis Emerald
High Desert Klamath Basin Portland Siskiyou
South Coast Umpqua Valley Willamette Valley William Cusick
Filipendula Group



For questions, or to be added to the Cheahmill Chapter's email list for reminders of upcoming programs and events, please contact the Cheahmill Chapter President at

Check out our Facebook page at

Saturday, July 27, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Work Party: Native Plant Garden at McMinnville Public Library
Location: McMinnville Public Library

Spend a couple hours with a congenial crew and learn how the beauty, diversity, and educational value of this mature demonstration garden is maintained with a minimum of effort. No experience is necessary. Bring gloves, bucket, and gardening tools. Dress for the weather. 
For more information, contact Catie Anderson at or 971-241-7634.

The library is located at 225 NW Adams Street (corner of Highway 99 W and SW Second Street), McMinnville, Oregon. The library parking lot may be entered from either Adams or Second Streets.


For questions, information on upcoming events, or to be on the Corvallis Chapter email list, contact Find us on Facebook at 

Sunday, July 7th, 8:00 am - late afternoon 
Field Trip: Iron Mountain and Cone Peak 
Leaders: Dan Luoma & Joyce Eberhart
We will hike the Iron Mountain-Cone Peak loop, identifying wildflowers in this botanical hotspot. Over 200 species of vascular plants have been recorded across this botanically rich trail west of Santiam Pass. Wildflowers of the Western Cascades (Ross and Chambers, 1988) focuses on the flora of this area. A delightful post about the area by Tanya Harvey can be read here: A Rainbow of Colors at Cone Peak and Iron Mountain. Tanya’s plant list is here:
The loop is about five miles through moderately difficult terrain and will take all day since we will walk slowly looking at so many flowers. There is about a 1,000-foot elevation gain, mostly in the first one-third of the hike. Bring lunch and water, dress for the weather, and wear sturdy shoes (there may still be snow drifts). 
We will meet at the Oregon State University, Wilkinson Hall parking lot (44.5692746, -123.2810976) southwest of Allan's Coffee and Tea at 26th and Monroe. For more information, contact Dan: Please leave furry friends at home.

Sunday, July 28, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Event: Work Party at the Avery Native Plant Garden
Leader: Esther McEvoy
Location: Avery House Nature Center, Avery Park, Corvallis

Come help with summer cleanup in the gardens. Dress for the weather and bring gloves, shovel, and clippers. Contact Esther for more information or to RSVP at 541-990-0948 or


Visit the Emerald Chapter website at to learn more about the latest chapter events, plant lists, and botanical information about Lane County plants and the people who love them. 

Tuesday, July 9, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Field Trip: Iron Mountain to Cone Peak Trail
Leader: Jenny Lippert, Retired Forest Service Botanist
Enjoy a slow walk with little elevation gain through the blooming rock gardens with former Forest Botanist, Jenny Lippert. This is a perfect excursion for folks who like to take their time and smell the posies. The trail is gravel, and we will walk about two miles there and back, but there is little elevation gain. We'll have plenty of time to take photos, key plants, and discover one of the jewels of the old Cascades. Meet at South Eugene High School parking lot at 19th and Patterson Street in Eugene to carpool. Bring lunch, water, a sun hat, your camera, hiking boots with good traction, and hiking poles if you need them. Sign up here.

Thursday, July 11, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Event: Emerald Chapter Summer Potluck Picnic
Location: Amazon Park, south of the Community Center around the picnic tables. 
Come meet the Emerald Chapter Board of Directors and help us brainstorm presenters and field trips for next season. Dessert provided by the chapter. 
Tuesday, July 16, 8:30 am - 11:00 am
Field Trip: Dorena Plant Materials Center Tour
Leader: Michelle Osgood, Assistant Nursery Manager
Location: Dorena Plant Materials Center, Cottage Grove, Oregon

Michelle Osgood, the Emerald Chapter’s March speaker, will lead a ninety-minute tour of the greenhouse complex outside of Cottage Grove, Oregon. This is a U.S. Forest Service facility where native plant materials are collected and grown out in containers for restoration projects. We're hoping that many of the seeds that Michelle and her colleagues planted last fall will be flowering this month. Michelle will also show us the fern species she is propagating. Meet at South Eugene High School at 19th and Patterson Street in Eugene to carpool or meet at the Plant Material Center at 9:00 am. Sign up here.

Saturday, August 3,  8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Field Trip: Gold Lake Bog
Leaders: Jenny Moore, Middle Fork District Botanist and Jenny Lippert, Retired Forest Service Botanist

Join botanists Jenny Moore and Jenny Lippert for a foray into the botanical wonderland of Gold Lake Bog, which was designated as a Research Natural Area in 1965. This area hosts several rare botanical species such as Rannoch-rush (Scheuchzeria palustris), several species of the carnivorous bladderworts (Utricularia intermedia, U. minor, and U. vulgaris), and other fun fen species such as sundews, bog laurel, bog birch, and of course Sphagnum sp. moss. Bring a walking stick or poles if needed, as we will be walking downhill from the trail into the bog and cross-country once there. Approximate roundtrip is 4 miles. Plan to get your feet wet or wear rubber boots. Bring a lunch and water, and a sun hat as there is little shade. Sign up here

High Desert

For information, visit our website: or Facebook page: Native Plant Society of Oregon: High Desert Chapter, or email us at Find our latest field trip observations on iNaturalist,

High Desert Chapter welcomes our new vice president, Ben Snyder. While he is a newcomer to Oregon and NPSO, he has previously been active in the California Native Plant Society. Ben works as manager at WinterCreek native plant nursery.

Saturday, July 6
Field Trip: Motherlode Trail
Trip leaders: Jill Welborn
Location: Lookout Mountain, Ochoco National Forest
Rating: moderately difficult (about four miles round trip, 1000 foot elevation gain)
Come explore the beautiful flora of the Ochocos. More details to follow. To let us know you’re interested, email the High Desert Chapter field trip coordinator at with “2024 Motherlode” in the subject line.

Klamath Basin

For information on the Klamath Basin Chapter, contact, visit our website:, or find us on Facebook:(13) Klamath Basin Chapter - Native Plant Society of Oregon | Facebook.


Our members receive The Calochortus, our monthly e-newsletter with field trips, programs, news, and events for the Portland area. If you are a Portland Chapter member and not receiving it, notify us at You'll also find our monthly programs and additional field trips posted on our Meetup page: Our Facebook page is regularly updated with current wildflower bloom status and photos: Visit our chapter website at for archived newsletters and to register for current programs. View recordings of past programs on our YouTube channel. Join one of our iNaturalist projects: Follow us on Instagram:

Members will find links to register for our second Thursday Zoom presentations in each issue of the Bulletin, in The Calochortus newsletter, and on our social media channels. The Portland Chapter does not host Zoom Programs in July and August.


To sign up for the Siskiyou Chapter NPSO monthly eNews on a new platform: sign up

To view our YouTube Channel and watch past programs:

To join a native plant google group forum:

To join our Facebook page:

Friday, July 26, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Field Trip: Sharon Fen Preserve
Trip leader: Rebekah Bergkoetter

Rebekah Bergkoetter from Southern Oregon Land Conservancy invites you to join a small group hike to an uncommon wetland in the region, a freshwater fen near Ashland and Howard Prairie. This secluded property features unique plants including sundew, bog bean, and marsh cinquefoil. Inaccessible to the public, the visit will be a rugged trek and off-trail hiking to see the quaking fen mats and unusual habitats. Please meet for carpooling at 9:00 am at the Ashland Rite-Aid. There will be a thirty-minute drive each direction, and some dirt road travel suitable for all-wheel or 4-wheel drive vehicles only. Two vehicles will be provided by Southern Oregon Land Conservancy for carpooling. Participants should bring lunch, water, and be comfortable traveling cross-country in wetlands and forests with obstacles and insecure footing. Free but registration is required and space Is limited:

Saturday, August 3, 9:30 am -12:00 pm
Field Trip: Tunnel Creek Bog Plants
Trip Leaders: Sarah Malaby, Kerry Johnson, and Steve Sheehy

We will hike to Tunnel Creek to visit a bog area with dry land, creek, and bog plants. Plants the group may see include Drosera sp., a rare Carex sp., and Vaccinium sp. to name just a few. Hiking is moderately difficult with some trip hazards. The ground is fairly level with deep holes and there will be downed slick logs and soft marshy moss mats. Water level varies so rubber boots or shoes that can get wet are recommended for this hike. Please come prepared: bring water and lunch. Meet at 9:30 am off Keno Access Road off Dead Indian Memorial Highway (from your side). Parking will be on a side road at coordinates 42.25237°, -122.21272°. Safety cones will mark the intersection. To register for this free hike:


South Coast

The South Coast Chapter covers Curry and Coos counties. Guests or members of other chapters are welcome at our events. To join our mailing list, please contact Andrea Burke at

Visit our Facebook page at:

Saturday, July 27, 10:00 AM
Field Trip: Whaleshead - Indian Sands Hike 
Leader: Olivia Dethlefsen
Location: Whaleshead Beach (Upper parking lot)
We will gather at the upper parking lot for Whaleshead Beach (At the top of the hill, not the parking near the beach). The hike will begin at 10:15 and is expected to take at least two to three hours depending on how far participants want to go. This will be a strenuous hike of about three to four miles, with considerable elevation change.
The plan is to take the coast trail north to the vicinity of a pullout between Whalehead Beach and the large Indian Sands parking lot. In this area, we will find orange bush monkeyflower near the northern edge of their range, expected to be blooming in late July. 
At this point we have the option of doing a longer hike all the way to the bluffs at Indian Sands, which would be around six miles total, increasing the hiking time to five or six hours, or we can turn back here depending on group interest. There is also the option to take a short but steep walk and see the sea bluffs on the tip of Whaleshead itself.
Please be aware that there may be poison oak in places along the trail. Usually this trail is well maintained, so it is not an issue except when leaving the path.
To sign up, or with any questions, please email Olivia at

Umpqua Valley

Check out our Facebook page, Not online? – call Donna Rawson at 541-643-0364.

Saturday or Sunday, July 13 or 14, 8:00 am - late afternoon  
Field Trip: Hemlock Lake/Yakso Falls 
Leader: Rod Trotter

Enjoy a scenic walk to explore the meadow at Hemlock Lake and the beautiful Yakso Falls. This trip also includes stops of botanical interest on the way along Little River Road. We hope to see a great variety of flora such as chatterbox, Calochortus umpquaensis, Zigzag delphinium, and orchids. The hike is a one and one-half hour drive from Roseburg. Expect moderate walking. 
Sunday, July 21, 8:00 am - late afternoon  
Field Trip: Ragged Ridge        
Location: Near Steamboat Creek
Leader: Rod Trotter

We will travel up the North Umpqua River near Steamboat Creek for a second time this year. One special stop on the way back is at Fall Creek Falls. We will be looking for nodding arnica, Penstemon sp., Lupinus sp., scarlet mimulus, and other wildflowers blooming late in the season. 
Saturday or Sunday, July 27 or 28, 8:00 am - late afternoon
Field Trip: Reynolds Ridge
Location: Up the North Umpqua Highway

Leader: Rod Trotter

Reynolds Ridge is a favorite botanizing destination for chapter members. The area features high mountain meadows where the wildflowers are still blooming. Rod Trotter will be our guide. We will be looking for Cascade lily, orchids, scarlet gilia, Columbia lily, and Veratrum sp. Forty-three species have been listed for this area on past trips.  

Reservations are required; call Rod Trotter at 541-672-1907 or Donna Rawson at 541-643-0364 at least one day before the field trips. It is imperative that you call Rod or Donna again the night before the trip to confirm your plans to attend and to confirm the schedule has not changed. We occasionally have to change the date on short notice due to bloom or weather unpredictability, or country emergency road closures.

We would like to send you a 2024 Tentative Field Trip Schedule from Umpqua Chapter if you are not on our email notification list.  

Willamette Valley

Monday, July 15, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Field Trip: Parish Lake and Daly Lake
Trip Leader: Matt Palmquist
Matt Palmquist of the Willamette Valley Chapter of the NPSO will lead short hikes into Parish Lake and Daley Lake in the Willamette National Forest to view the wildflowers of the two lakes and their floating bogs. The bogs are home to two carnivorous sundews (Drosera rotundifolia and Drosera anglica). Bring water, snacks, lunch, and appropriate foot gear and clothing. Space is limited. Registration is required. To register and for more information, please contact John Savage at

William Cusick

Chapter notices and communications are done primarily through a Google group. For more information or to be added to the Google group, please contact Susan Geer at 541-963-0477 or Our website is not currently functional.

Native Plant Interest Groups


For more information, visit our Facebook page: NPSO-Filipendula Chapter

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