A Naturalist’s Guide to the Hidden World of Pacific Northwest Dunes

A Naturalist’s Guide to the Hidden World of Pacific Northwest Dunes

This book is a great addition to a bookshelf of coastal field guides because, plant by plant, it describes herbivorous insects that live on common coastal plants, and their insect predators and parasites. The herbivores also include a few mammals. Growing up on the beach, I pored over kelp tangles and driftwood, and wondered what…

The Magical World of Moss Gardening

The Magical World of Moss Gardening

Welcome to the little-known world of gardening with mosses. In this publication, gardener Annie Martin introduces you to moss gardening and offers exciting ideas for your garden landscape. Annie Martin’s enthusiasm for moss conservation centers on salvaging moss colonies in sites slated for demolition and using them for educational projects or for her nursery/landscaping business….

Frances Stilwell

Frances Stilwell

Frances Stilwell was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. She attended Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, and received a BA in botany from the University of Cincinnati, specializing in taxonomy of plants of southwestern Ohio. She received an MS in botany/biophysics at the same institution under a Public Health Service grant in radiation biology. She worked two…

Esther McEvoy

Esther McEvoy

Esther Helen Gruber McEvoy earned a BA in Art from Lewis and Clark College in 1974 and a BS from Portland State University (PSU) in 1978. During the late 1970s she worked as a teaching assistant in two locations: a botany class at PSU and field botany and soil invertebrate classes at the Malheur Field…

Bruce Newhouse

Bruce Newhouse

Bruce Newhouse has had a lifelong love affair with Oregon’s native plants, animals and habitats. As a long-time member of the Native Plant Society of Oregon, Bruce has made major contributions to the conservation of Oregon’s flora while also helping to raise awareness of the importance of other native species and ecosystems. Bruce’s early years…

Cindy Talbott Roche

Cindy Talbott Roche

Through our associations with Cindy as editor of Kalmiopsis, the three of us (Kareen Sturgeon, Frank Lang, and Frank Callahan) have come to know her as a valued friend and colleague, and we enthusiastically nominate her to be a Fellow of the Native Plant Society of Oregon. Cindy completed her last issue of Kalmiopsis  (Volume 20) in…

Jim Duncan

Jim Duncan

The Siskiyou Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon (NPSO) nominates Jim Duncan for NPSO Fellow, in recognition of all the service he has given at both the Chapter and State levels during the past 22 years. Jim has selflessly and cheerfully shared countless hours of his time and his expertise, serving as an…

Kareen Sturgeon

Kareen Sturgeon

Kareen Sturgeon richly deserves the Fellows Award for 33 years of contributions to the Native Plant Society of Oregon. NPSO was the first organization that Kareen joined when she arrived in Oregon in 1980, and she immediately met many like-minded plant- lovers who remain friends to this day. Despite the length of her service, she…

Paul Slichter

Paul Slichter

A computer search for photos of Pacific Northwest plants, using a scientific or common name, often finds Paul Slichter’s treasure trove of plant photos and information called Flora and Fauna Northwest. Over the years, Paul developed this website that offers plant lists for a variety of popular locations in Oregon and Washington, plant images, user-friendly…

Boundary Layer—Exploring the Genius between Worlds

Boundary Layer—Exploring the Genius between Worlds

The book comprises seven essays on diverse concepts that the author thinks of as metaphors for “boundary layers,” e.g., Dune ecosystems between land and water, Mosses (the bryosphere), Fungi, European and American views on ecosystems, Lichens with the species-ecosystem boundary, and Wilderness with human influence boundaries. The author, Kem Luther, has a background in philosophy…

Dan Luoma

 Dan Luoma

As an active member who has dedicated his skills and talents to the Native Plant Society of Oregon for over twenty-five years, Dan Luoma has rotated through a number of board positions during that time. He joined our Society in 1982 when Esther McEvoy was getting people together to form the Corvallis Chapter. Dan served…