NOTE: This is an archived NPSO Bulletin.
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NPSO Logo Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon

Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study of Oregon's native vegetation.

July 1996

Volume 29 · Number 7

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In This Issue

State News

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Annual Meeting: In Joseph, Oregon. Details in April issue of the Bulletin.

July 14, Sun. State Board Meeting: At the annual meeting.

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Chapter News

Blue Mountain

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.


July 6, Sat. Field Trip: Opal Creek. Ayn Whytemere will lead a hike through old growth forest. Flat, easy walk, 6 mi. R.T. Children welcome. Meet: 9 A.M., across from Monroe Beanery, to car pool. Bring lunch. Contact: Esther McEvoy.

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.


Disclaimer for Atlas Trips: These trips are designed to generate complete species lists for specific areas. Target attendees are those with high levels of plant identification skills. They are not recommended for the general public as most of the time will be spent keying plant species and compiling lists. Regular field trips will provide much more enjoyment as they are designed for the general plant enthusiast.

July 6, Sat. Field Trip: Dave Predeek leads to Frissel and Carpenter Ridge in the high Cascades. Leave S. Eugene H.S. (19th and Patterson) at 8 A.M. Call Dave for more details.

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.

July 17, Wed. Field Trip: Ginger Craig (Forest Service botanist) leads to Holland Point, a mesic meadow complex on the Calapooya Divide. Leave S. Eugene H.S. (see above) at 8:30 A.M., or meet in Oakridge at 9:30 A.M. Contact Jenny Dimling for further details.

Aug. 3, Sat. Field Trip: Trip to Black Crater to view Collomia debilis and other alpine plants. Contact Phil Warner or Dale McBride for further details.

Aug. 10, Sat. Atlas Field Trip: John Koenig leads to Squaw Butte fen to assemble a species list. Leave S. Eugene H.S. (see above) at 9 A.M. Contact John for details.

High Desert

July 4-7, Thu.-Sun. Field Trip: This overnight trip to one of the most spectacular areas in Oregon's high desert is not to be missed. We will combine with the Sierra Club and look at a number of issues. From our base camps we will tour selected parts of the Refuge and adjacent BLM land. Livestock grazing has been eliminated from the Refuge for several years and the results are dramatic. You will need a high-clearance, 4 WD vehicle with 8-10 ply (load range D or E tires -- or at least two spares! Roads are terrible and be ready for dry camping. Call trip leader Stu Garrett for more information.

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.

July 27, Sat. Field Trip: Canyon Mountain is one of the less-visited parts of the Strawberry Wilderness. On this moderate 5 mi. R.T. hike, with 1,000 ft. elev. gain, we will have spectacular views and see the rare Cymopteris nivalis and Luina serpentina. High clearance vehicle recommended. Anyone wishing to come early or stay late is welcome to camp at the leader's beautiful Morning Hill Forest Farm and have an ecoforestry tour. Call trip leader Jennifer Barker, Canyon City, for details.

Aug. 10, Sat. Field Trip: Broken Top Volcano. This is our annual trek to view the spectacular glaciated scenery and the alpine wildllowers in the High Cascades west of Bend. Six-mile, moderate to strenuous hike, with 1,700 ft. elev. gain. Mostly off-trail hiking through Three Sisters Wilderness, so number limited to 12. A Cascades classic! Pre-registration required. Call trip leader Stu Garrett to sign up.

Aug. 16-18, Fri.-Sun. Field Trip: Sycan Marsh. This trip to The Nature Conservancy's preserve to see this wonderful marsh environment and help collect native seeds shouldn't be missed. This huge marsh is being returned to its natural state and we will help collect seeds to start plants for restoration. Includes fun camping, bird watching, marsh and forest hikes. Contact the Conservancy's preserve manager, Linda Rexroat, P.O. Box 797, Silver Lake, Oregon 97638 for details.


July 3, Wed. Meeting: Our annual potluck at Jerry Igo's cabin and wildflower preserve.

Aug. 3 Sat. Field Trip: High Prairie, Barlow Ranger District, Mt. Hood NF. Caitlin Cray leads a moderate (ca. 4 mi.) hike through a lush subalpine rneadow to the rocky site of an old lookout. Great views of Mt. Hood and splendid flowers. Meet: Hood River Ranger District, south of Hood River on Hwy. 35, at 9:30 A.M., or High Prairie trailhead, 10:45 A.M. Preregistration required (wilderness area, limit 11). Call Caitlin to sign up.

North Coast

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.


July 9, Tue. Meeting: 7 P.M. First Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson, Portland. Who will be the mystery guest speaker? Culm and keep achene eye out and you will have the anther.

July 20, Sat. Field Trip: Join Forest Service botanist, Carol Horvath, in exploring wet meadow and adjoining forest habitats at the head of Olallie Creek. Plants we expect to find in bloom include Polemonium occidentale, Aquilegia columbiana var. howellii, Mimulus primuloides and Parnassia fimbriata var.fimbriata. Driving: 200 mi. R.T. Leave: 8 A.M., from ODOT lot, 60th &NE Glisan. Contact: Carol Horvath.

July 27, Sat. Field Trip: Learn about woodland plants and native trees in Tryon Creek State Park, Portland's only state park. Should be a cool, refreshing walk on a summer morning, another in our series for beginning botanists. Meet: 8:30 A.M., Tryon Creek State Park, 1132l SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland. Contact: Charlene Holzwarth.

July 28, Sat. Field Trip: Join a trip with the Mid-Columbia Chapter to hike wonderful sub-alpine meadows from Umbrella Falls and the Stringer meadows up Mitchell Creek to its headwaters, and even to the high ridge above White River with krummholz vegetation and spectacular views to Mt. Jefferson and eastem Oregon. Relatively easy hike of 6 mi. with the opportunity to hike further up if you wish. This areas is being considercd for expansion of ski facilities at Mt. Hood Meadows and July is public comment period. Led by Heather Laub, Mt. Hood NF botanist. Portlanders meet at 8:30 A.M., ODOT lot, 60th & NE Glisan. Gorge people meet at 9 A.M., across from China Gorge on Hwy. 35 in Hood River. The groups will join at the trailhead at 10 A.M. Contact Martha Hall.


July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.

July 20, Sat. Field Trip: Say goodbye to ancient Port Orford cedar at Snowcamp Mountain, Checo Ranger District, Siskiyou National Forest, and explore the Snowcamp Bntanical Area. We will discuss the Forest Service's Port Orford cedar root disease control strategy that logs 200 - 400 year old cedar. Meet: 10 A.M., Fred Meyer parking lot, Brookings. Contact Barbara Ullian.

Aug. 3, Sat. Field Trip: A tentative trip to Hinkel Lake in the upper Applegate River drainage. Richard Brock is considering showing us a serpentine botanical area that is in need of rest from grazing.

TBA Field Trip: In late September or October Gordon Larum may show us some of the wealth of mushrooms that grow in western Oregon in the fall.

South Coast

For information on South Coast Chapter, call Bruce Rittenhouse.

Umpqua Valley

July 11, Thu. Meeting: 6 P.M. Potluck at Hillcrest Vineyard. View Quercus chrysofepsis and Quercus suber in agricultural setting. Discuss Oregon Flora Project. Bring an unknown for identification. Call 673-3709 for more information.

July 13, Sat. Field Trip: Begin at Twin Lakes Mountain trailhead for a gentle, 2 mi. descent through mountain meadow to Upper Twin Lakes (Little River drainage). Meet: BLM parking lot, 777 Garden Valley Blvd., Roseburg, for 7 A.M. departure. Rendezvous. 8 A.M., Lake-in-the-Woods, for pit stop and car pooling. Call Alan Romeril for information.

July 27, Sat. Field Trip: Explore Crater Lake's rim drive pumice fields for subalpines. Long legs can hike the Mt. Scott trail. Leave, 7 A.M., from BLM parking lot, 777 Garden Valley Blvd., just off I-5 exit 125, or rendezvous, 9 A.M., at Diamond Lake Lodge. For information call Alan Romeril.

Aug. 17, Sat. Field Trip: Explore the Mt. Bailey trail, a glacial cirque, or Silent Creek. Leave, 7 A.M., BLM parking lot (see above) or rendezvous, 9 A.M., Diamond Lake Lodge. For information call Alan Romeril.

Aug. 24, Sat. Field Trip: Drive to Calamut Lake just south of the Cowhorn-Sawtooth Divide that separates the Umpqua and Willamette watersheds. For subalpines explore near lake, or hike to Sawtooth Mountain. Leave, 7 A.M., BLM parking lot (see above) or rendezvous. 9 A.M., Kelsay Valley road junction. For information call Alan Romeril.

Willamette Valley

Officers: See Willamette Valley Chapter Officers.

June 29, Sat. Field Trip: Monument Peak. Twenty years ago NPSO officers and NFS personnel identified this area as botanically important because of the diverse habitats and flora in the area. See if you agree. Moderate, l mi. R.T. hike with possible extension to the lookout. Travel distance: 100 mi. Meet: South Salem K-Mart, 8:30 A.M., or the Park and Ride parking lot next to the post office in the city of Gates, 9:30 A.M. Leader: Mike Roundtree, WNF botanist. Contact Don Roberts.

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.

July 20, Sat. Field Trip: Iron Mountain. Joint trip with the Salem Audubon Society. Meet: West Salem Safeway, 8 A.M. Leader and contact person, Walt Yungen.

July 27, Sat. Field Trip: Snow Peak. This 1,300 ft. peak can be seen from the Salem vicinity. The meadows close to the peak should be in full flower. We will approach the site using a different route. Meet: BLM parking lot (south of Kubler Rd. at 1717 Fabry Rd. SE) at 8 A.M. Travel distance 80 mi. Leader: Terry Fennell, BLM. Contact: Don Roberts.

Aug. 10, Sat. Field Trip: : "Three Lady Lakes Area." East of the Bull of the Woods Wilderness area is a group of three lakes not previously botanized by the Willamette Chapter. Help develop the plant list for this area. Meet: BLM parking lot (see above) at 8 A.M. Travel distance 120 mi. Leader: BLM botanist, Claire Hibler. Contact: Don Roberts.

Wm. Cusick

June 29, Sat. Field Trip: Item text.

July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. Meeting: NPSO annual meeting in Joseph, Oregon. No chapter meeting.

July 13, Sat. Work Day: Devil's Gulch late season knapweed and Scotch thistle weed pull, led by Tom Rohn who knows the many birds common to the riparian setting of Devil's Gulch. Meet at Jerry's Market in Joseph at 8 A.M.

July 27, Sat. Field Trip: Jennifer Barker will lead to Canyon Mountain, one of the less-visited parts of the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness. See plant communities of the southern Blue Mountains, including the sensitive Cymopteris nivalis and endemic Luina serpentina. This is a moderate 5 mi. R.T. hike, with 100 ft. elev. gain, and spectacular views. High clearance vehicle is desirable. Call Jennifer Barker for more information and possible camping spots.

Aug. 3, Sat. Work Day: Rebarrow Forestry. Join us for a day of forest land management. We will be cutting and piling slash for fire prevention. There is always weed pulling to do. Maintenance of the nature trail is an ongoing project.

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Help Needed with Old "Thyme" Common Names - Sue Kolar

Are you a local history buff? Do you know the common names of some of Oregon's native flora? We need your help! The Oregon Natural Heritage Program is currently working on a project to map the vegetation of the Willamette Valley (W.V.) and surrounding foothills, as well as Sycan Marsh, as they were when European settlers began to arrive. Our primary source of information is survey records from the mid-to late-1800's. While these records contain a wealth of information about the pre-European settlement landscape, the surveyors used common names to describe the various plant species they encountered along the way. While many of the names are still in use today, or are self-explanatory, others are quite obscure. Following is a list of some common names, the location and habitat where they were found, and their presumed growth habit. If you think you know the scienlific names for these plants (or even have an interesting guess), we'd love to hear from you. Drop a card to: Oregon Natural Heritage Program, 821 SE 14th, Portland, OR 97214.

Arrow-woodW.V. & foothillsVariousShrub
BarberryW.V. & C.R. foothillsVariousShrub, small tree to 8"
BearberryEast of Mt. AngelRiparian forestShrub, small tree to 8"
Boxwood W.V. & foothillsRiparian forestShrub, small tree to 9"
Bull ThistleSouthern W.V.Riparian forestForb
ChimsealSalem areaW.V.Unknown
Elk BrakeSycan Marsh, C.R.ForestedUnknown
Elk BriarC.R.Forested Unknown
Elk BushC.R.ForestedUnknown
Elk Horn BushC.R.ForestedUnknown
GreesewoodCascade foothillsForestedShrub
HardbushNorthern W.V.Riparian forestShrub
LaurelW.V. & foothillsDry hillsidesTree
Mountain LaurelCascade foothills E of EugeneDouglas-fir/Hemlock/Cedar Small tree or shrub
PeavineW.V.Burnt over forestForb
PigeonwoodCascade foothills SE of EugeneRiparian forestShrub, small tree to 5"
Prickly AshMid-W.V. E of AlbanyConif./decid.Shrub or tree
QuillwoodNorthern W.V.Conif./decid.Shrub
Red FirW.V. & C.R. foothillsConif./decid.Tree
RedwoodW.V. & C.R. foothillsRiparian forestTree
RosebarkNorthern W.V.Fir & oak woodsShrub, small tree?
RosewoodW.V.Conif./decid. or savannaShrub, small tree to 5"
SkunkNorthern C.R., E slopeBurnt Douglas-firShrub, small tree to 2-3"
Skunk CabbageNorthern C.R., E slopeBurnt Douglas-firShrub, small tree
Skunk TreeNorthern C.R., E slopeConif./decid.Shrub, small tree to 5"
SkunkwoodW.V. foothillsConif./decid.Shrub, small tree to 6"
Sleet BreakSouthern W.V.Conif./decid.Unknown
SnowbrushSouthern C.R., E slopeBurnt over forestShrub
StrawberryNorthern C.R., E slopeConif./decid.Shrub, small tree to 2"
Tassal or TassleMid-W.V.Fir-oak/savanna/woodland Shrub, small tree
Tassal Brush Northern W.V.Fir-oak/savanna/woodlandShrub, small tree
Tassal-woodNorthern W.V.Conif./decid.Shrub, small tree
ThistleNorthern W.V.Burnt 2nd growthForb
White CedarSouthern W.V.Conif./decid.Tree
White FirW.V. and foothillsConif./decid.Tree
WhortleberryNorthern W.V. and C.R.Conif./decid.Shrub
Wild GrapeMid-W.V.Burnt 2nd growthUnknown
Wild PeaFoothills W of CorvallisBurnt conif.Forb
YellowwoodSouthern W.V.Conif./decid.Tree? Shrub?
Yellow FirMid-W.V. foothills & C.R.Conif./decid.Tree
Wild PotatoesNorthern W.V.UnknownForb?

Plant names are spelled as they appear on the documents.
W.V. = Willamette Valley; C.R. = Coast Range; conif. = coniferous; decid. = deciduous.
The sizes refer to the diameters of the stems.

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We Welcome New Members

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Endangered Species Listing in Oregon - Stu Garrett

As a result of the changing priorities of national politics, important changes have taken place in how rare plant species are treated in Oregon. It is important that NPSO members have an understanding of what is happening. In February, 1996, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) published a new candidate notice of review, which outlined a major new direction the agency was taking in its efforts to address the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In this notice of review, the number of plant species which were considered potential candidates for listing in Oregon under the ESA dropped from 136 to 5. This change has profound implications for the management of sensitive plants on public lands in Oregon.

The USFWS cited a number of reasons for the change in the definition of candidates, and the species included. Until this year, they had two main types of candidates for listing under the act. The notice of review regularly included C1 candidates, defined as those species which were candidates for listing under the ESA, and for which the Service had suificient information to list. This list was fairly small (in Oregon there were 26 plant species which were C1 candidates), and included the taxa which had the highest priority. The second main category was for C2 candidates, defined as species which may be threatened or endangered, but which needed additional inforrnation (on their distribution, abundance or threats) before they could be listed. The C2 list was much larger, containing over 110 plants in Oregon. The Service also included extinct (3A), potentially extinct (C2*), species dropped because of questionable taxonomy (3B), and taxa dropped because they do not meet the criteria lor listing (3C). These latter categories had no real implications since they did not include species considered for listing. Under the old policy, the other federal land management agencies included all C1 and C2 plant taxa on their sensitive species lists, and tried to manage these plants to assure they would not need to be included on the endangered species list.

The first change in the listing process occurred as a result of a memo from the director of the IJSFWS, Molly Beattie. She decided the C2 list needed to be changed from a Candidate list to a list of Species of Concern. Mainly, the view was that the list was so large (clearly containing many more species than could ever be listed under historical work patterns) that the Service was spending too much of its limited time and resources on species which had lower priority for protection. This change also brought the USFWS in line with the way the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) was addressing candidates. It was decided there would be only one category of candidates, and that it would include former C1 taxa, with the Cl list revisited to make sure it contained the Service's highest priority for listing. The C2 list would be dropped, and a Species of Concern list would take it's place. These lists would be similar, but they would not be published nationally. Instead they would be developed and maintained (but not published) by the various USFWS Field Offices. The law suit to list C1 taxa (which NPSO participated in) clearly was involved in this change, since it created an enormous backlog of work for the USFWS, with the public perception that they were not managing the Act correctly.

Once this change became official, the Service quickly moved to update the candidate notice of review. This included a review of the status of all former C1 taxa, to determine if they should remain as Candidates. The review took place at USFWS regional offices. Oregon is part of Region 1, with headquarters in Portland. Region 1 includes Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, California and Hawaii. Largely because of California and Hawaii, Region 1 has most of the listed, proposed and candidate species in the U.S. (although Nevada and Oregon are near the top of the list for the number of C1 and C2 candidates).

The process for this review was that each of the state offices was to develop a candidate status sheet for each C1 candidate, outlining the threats, reasons for listing, and listing priority. The USFWS state biologists had completed these before, but had very little time to spend, given the large number of species being reviewed and the small work force.

The overall result of the process was that one person in the regional office decided that only five plants in Oregon, two in Washington and one in Idaho warranted inclusion on the Candidate List. There were a number of reasons for this. First, in Oregon, botanists recommended a number of new species be moved to the Cl. These recommendations appear to have been mysteriously lost by the USFWS. The person making the recommendations, Jim Bartel of USFWS, believed that species occurring on public lands were inherently protected, and discounted threats related to public land management. (In California this might be true, but in the Northwest it is clearly not accurate.). Finally, the field office staff did not understand that they were trying to convince a skeptic that a species needed to be included on the list. Rather, they believed that their judgement and the priority number assigned to the species was critical. As a result, most of the Oregon species have been dropped.

Hopefully, we can correct some errors. The candidate list no longer includes all of Oregon's species which are high priority for listing under the act. High priority taxa need to be added, and federal and state agencies are working to be sure this happens. Secondly, a species of concern list should be developed, and federal agencies (BLM and USFS) need to adopt rules and regulations which incorporate this list into their planning and management activities in the same way they have previously used the candidate list. Rare plant conservation in Oregon has been set back. We will all need to be more vigilant in our pursuit of protection for Oregon's rare species and habitats.

Concerns about these changes should be addressed to Mr. Michael Spear, Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 911 NE 11th, Portland, OR 97232. He should be made aware that simply because a plant occurs on public land, that doesn't mean it will be adequately protected, and that the agency should re-review the previous candidates that were dropped for this reason.

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Willamette Valley Chapter Officers - Mark Quistad

Attention! We need to select new officers: president, vice president and treasurer. Both the vice president and I feel that two years of service is enough. In 1997 we will be hosting the NPSO annual meeting, on June 7-8, at the Silver Falls Conference Center. If you are interested in any of these offices, or can help with annual meeting, please call Mark Quistad. Our meeting in September will be a working meeting that will be open to anyone wishing to attend. Further details on that meeting will be in the September Bulletin.

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The Oregon Flora Project Update - Scott Sundberg

From its inception, there have been close ties between the Oregon Flora Project and the NPSO. Many NPSO members have sent us information or specimens, volunteered, or helped lead the project. Most financial donations have come from NPSO members and NPSO state officers have awarded the project three generous grants, most recently $1,250 last January. We have also received grants from the Emerald and Umpqua Valley Chapters. We are deeply grateful for the financial support we have received from the NPSO and for the close relationship we've enjoyed over the last two years.

The project's goal is to produce a flora of Oregon and an Oregon vascular plant atlas in printed and computerized forms. At the completion of the project, plant enthusiasts will have an illustrated flora of the vascular plants of Oregon, including identification keys and species descriptions. No longer will we have to use a variety of references for identifications. The atlas will, for the first time, show detailed information on the distribution of all our vascular plant taxa. Computerized versions of the Flora and Atlas will dramatically alter the ways in which plants are identified and distributions viewed. Use of a multi-entry key will make it possible for people to, in essence, construct their own keys as they identify plants, and will free them from the constraints of traditional dichotomous keys. Visualization of plant distributions as related to patterns of physiographic features, climate zones, and major vegetation types will be possible. The payoffs for our hard work will be great.

Progress on the project as a whole has been steady, although some components are taking longer to complete than anticipated. The Checklist is now 23% done. Completed treatments include most or all of the Asteraceae (Ken Chambers), Cyperaceae (Peter Zika), Astragallls (Aaron Liston), Polemoniaceae (coordinated by Dieter Wilken, with treatments by six authors), Salix (George Argus), Lamiaceae (Henrietta Chambers), Potentilla (Barbara Ertter), and aquatic families (Richard Hales). Smaller groups that have been completed are too numerous to list. The rate of submission of treatments is expected to increase, as several deadlines are approaching.

The Atlas project has drawn a great deal of interest from Oregon's botanical community. In April the revised Handbook for Participants in the Oregon Plant Atlas Project was completed. Field work for the project is being coordinated through the NPSO by Bruce Newhouse and twelve regional coordinators. We have gathered a large number of species lists and are in the process of acquiring many more, as well as one huge data set possibly consisting of over 100,000 records.We have made enorrnous progress on technical aspects of the project, through the efforts of Jon Kimerling, Manuela Huso, and several students and volunteers. We now have a prototype computerized map showing where torrent sedge (Carex nudata) has been observed in the state. Users can click on dots on this map to call up locality, habitat, and collection or observation data associated with the dot. We are particularly excited by cutting edge work being done to construct maps on the fly by accessing the Atlas database and layering distribution data over a series of base maps. Jon Azen and Jon Kimerling have written a JAVA application to accomplish this.

Due to space limitations, it is impossible to list the large number of people who have participated in the Flora project. So far, the project has been entirely a volunteer effort, with the exception of student workers. And given this limitation, we have made a great deal of progress. One of our top priorities over the next few months is to secure funding for a staff of paid workers. This would dramatically increase our productivity.

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Grasses, Sedges and Rushes Redux

Central Oregon Community College in Bend, Oregon is the sile of this two-day refresher course on grasses, sedges and rushes. It takes place on July 25th and 26lh and includes both laboratory and field instruction.

Registrations received on or before July 12 cost $195, and will he $215 thereafter. Lunch is provided on both days, as is transportation to and from the field sites. Enrollment is limited to 50.

Hortus West, PO Box 2870, Wilsonville, OR 97070 is presenting this workshop, and further information can be obtained from the conference coordinator, Kathrynn Carrico at (503) 570-0859, FAX (503) 570-0855.

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Plant Profile Articles Appearing in the NPSO Bulletin, 1984-1995 - Compiled by Lorne Mews

Eriogonum crosbyaeJanuary 1984
Mimulus hymenophyllusMarch 1984
Sisyrinchium hitchcockiiMay 1984
Broomrape familyJune 1984
The Hydrophyllacae - Waterleaf familyJuly 1984
Amsinckia carinataSeptember 1984
Oenothera wolfiiOctober 1984
Iris species of the West Central Coast RangeMarch 1985
Verbascum thapsusNovember 1985
The dwarf bilberryJanuary 1986
New or unusual southwest Oregon weedsApril 1986
The club mosses -- living fossilsDecember 1986
Calypso bulbosaMay 1988
Moenchia erectaJuly 1988
The scarlet giliaAugust 1988
Lomatium bradshawiiAugust 1988
The Ericaceae -- heather familyAugust 1989
The Rosaceae -- rose familySeptember 1989
The Umbelliferae -- carrot familyOctober 1989
Thrift in OregonJune 1991
Black hawthornAugust 1991
Western hawthornsSeptember 1991
Bunchberry in OregonOctober 1991
Lythrum salicariaJune 1992
Lomatium greemaniiOctober 1992
Pollination of silvery phaceliaOctober 1993
Haplopappus radiatus and Cimicifuga elataDecember 1993
Sidalcea nelsonianaJanuary 1994
Globe thistleAugust 1994
Sidalcea hirtipesSeptember 1995
Traveling tansySeptember 1995
War on the West (Centaurea spp.)October 1995
Help halt HydrillaNovember 1995
Biddy-biddyDecember 1995

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© Copyright 1996 Native Plant Society of Oregon, All Rights Reserved

Last Modified July 2, 1996