NOTE: This is an archived NPSO Bulletin.
Some information may be out of date, and
some links may not be functional.

Bulletin of the

Native Plant Society of Oregon

Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study
of Oregon's native vegetation


Volume 32

Number 1

January 1999

ISSN 0884-599

In this issue

Aspen Enhancement in the Malheur National Forest -- Libby Knotts 6-7

Grant Proposals Requested -- Dan Luoma 7

Kathleen Cheap Remembered -- Jerry Baker 7

Introducing NPSO's New Friends of the Oregon Flora Project -- Keli Kuykendall 8-9

NPSO State Office Candidates 1999 9, 12

Siskiyou Field Institute -- Jennifer Beigel 9

Rough and Ready Creek and the Nicore Mine: The Story Continues -- Barbara Ullian 10-12

NPSO Items for Sale 12

Annual Meeting: Plant Highlights - Charlene Simpson; Accommodations - Marcia Jayne Cutler 13, 14

It's Still Renewal Time

The NPSO membership year is January to December.

Check your address label on the Bulletin. If there is a 98 on the top line, you have not renewed yet.

NPSO brings you field trips, programs, classes, the monthly Bulletin and the annual Kalmiopsis. Your membership and donations make it possible to carry out more of the many projects that are needed to pursue the goals of NPSO.

Membership Directory to be Published.

The 1999 edition of the NPSO Membership Directory will be published in April. If you wish to receive a copy, add two dollars to your renewal payment.

If you wish to have your address or telephone number, or both, withheld from publication in the Directory, please make a prominent note on your renewal form.

State News

July 30-Aug. 1, Fri.-Sun.

Annual Meeting: The 1999 Annual Meeting will take place in the high country of McKenzie Pass, and will be hosted by the Emerald Chapter. (See inside.)

Jan. 23, Sat.

Board Meeting: 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. Avery House, Avery Park, Corvallis. (Near intersection of Avery Ave. & Allen St. Map in December Bulletin.) For more information call Corvallis Chapter President, Steve Northway, ( policy))

Chapter News

Blue Mountain

Jan. 4, Mon.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Small Business Development Center, SE 1st & Dorian, Pendleton. Matt Voile, the new Umatilla County Weed Specialist, will talk about the county weed program and his hopes for the program's future directions.


Jan. 21, Thurs.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Carnegie Room, McMinnville Public Library, 225 NW Adams, McMinnville. Kareen Sturgeon presents "Churchbells, Cowbells and Harebells," a lecture and slide show on hiking and botanizing in the Swiss Alps, where climate, geology and complex topography have produced one of the richest botanical regions in Europe. NOTE: THE JANUARY MEETING WILL BE ON THE 3RD THURSDAY, RATHER THAN THE REGULAR 4TH THURSDAY, AND THE MEETING PLACE IS CHANGED. THE MCMINNVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL BE THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE FROM NOW ON.


Jan. 11, Mon.

Meeting: 7: P.M. The Corvallis Chapter will be sponsoring a program on the "Monarch Butterfly and its Critical Habitat in the Willamette Valley" at the Good Samaritan Church in Corvallis (333 NW 35th St.; corner of 35th and Harrison). The featured speaker will be Dan Hillburn, coordinator of the Western Monarch Migration Survey program, with the Oregon Department of Agriculture. He will discuss monarch migration and biology. Local native milkweed seeds will be distributed for monarch habitat restoration. We are seeking people and ideas to engage in active personal stewardship of our Willamette Valley biota. For more information, call Steve Northway, ( policy). NOTE: CHANGE IN MEETING TIME AND LOCATION IS FOR THIS MONTH ONLY.


Jan. 9, Sat.

Field Trip: Lichen walk led by Daphne Stone. Place not yet decided. Meet: 9 A.M., S. Eugene H.S., for this half-day trip. Bring rain gear, boots, hand lens, etc. For more information, call Bruce Newhouse,( policy).

Jan. 25, Mon.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 109, Science Building, main campus, Lane Community College. Marcia Cutler, LCC botany alumna, will tell us her experiences as the Central Oregon Ecologist at The Nature Conservancy's beautiful Juniper Hills Preserve. This 10,000-acre preserve, nestled in the high desert between the Ochoco and Maury Mountains, is known for its diversity of native bunchgrass communities. Directions: From 30th Ave., turn south on Eldon-Schafer Dr., go past Oak Hill School and park in LCC's south parking lot, east end. Walk downstairs to Science Building.

Feb. 6, Sat.

Field Trip: Winter twig walk, co-sponsored by Mt. Pisgah Arboretum and NPSO. Judith Manning, of MPA's Board of Directors, will take us on a two-hour walk and help us identify trees using only twigs. Meet: MPA's Visitor's Center, 10 A.M. Bring hand lens, ruler, pocket knife (if possible) and $3 ($2 for MPA members). You'll get a copy of Dr. Rhoda Love's "Key to Winter Twigs of Deciduous Trees and Shrubs at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum," rev. Oct. 1997. For more information, call( policy).

Feb. 22, Mon.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 109, Science Building, main campus, LCC. Louise Parsons, editor, North American Rock Garden Society Newsletter, will help us prepare for our High Cascades Annual Meeting, in her talk, "Western Cascades Geology and Plants." Trained in geology, geography, gardening and art, Louise will give a "broad-brush amateur naturalist's point of view ÷ [placing] ÷ the plant treasures of this region into the totality of their natural range and setting." For directions, see January meeting.

March 15, Mon.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 109, Science Building, main campus, LCC. Loren Russell, Corvallis Chapter member of NPSO, who is very knowledgeable about the mountain plants of WA., OR., and n. Cal., will talk on "Alpines in Oregon," another great preparation for the annual meeting. He'll compare the alpine vegetation of the Central High Cascades, the Wallowas and Steens Mtn., emphasizing the species richness, habitat diversity and geographical affinities of the mountains. For directions, see January meeting.

High Desert

Jan. 26, Tues.

Meeting: 7: P.M. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend. Katie Grenier, Botanist, Deschutes National Forest, will present "So Many Weeds - So Little Time," a program on the biology, distribution and impacts that weeds are having on wild lands in central Oregon. Emphasis will be on the environmental effects and management strategies employed by the Deschutes NF, including the many creative partnerships that are evolving to wage war on weeds.

Klamath Basin

Jan. 12, Tues.

Meeting: 7-9 P.M. Room 202, OIT campus, Klamath Falls. Speaker to be announced. For more information, please call David Lebo,( policy)..


Jan. 6, Wed.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Columbia Gorge Discovery Center (in the theater). With maps and video, Jerry Igo tells about his recent botanical adventures in the southwestern United States, in a program titled, "Early Springtime in the Southwestern Desert." It's the next best thing to being there.

North Coast


For information on the North Coast Chapter, call Christine Stanley, ( policy).


Jan. 30, Sat.

Field Trip: Ferns, mosses, lichens.

"Just wanted to let you know that the field trip Portland Chapter had scheduled for the 9th has been moved to the 30th of January. The new date will now accommodate a number of non-vascular experts (the plants, not the experts!). The trip looks like it will be loaded with many people at many different levels and should be a lot of fun. Be sure to give Greg Stone a call (number listed in Bulletin) if you need more information."

Jan. 12, Tues.

Meeting: 7 P.M. First United Methodist Church, 1838 Jefferson St., Portland. Duncan Thomas, Associate Professor, Forest Science, OSU, will present "the "Useful Plants of the Cameroon."


Jan. 21, Thurs.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 171, Science Building, Southern Oregon University, Ashland. Dr. Frank Lang will give a presentation titled "Serpentine Flora of Japan."

South Coast


For information on the South Coast Chapter, call Bruce Rittenhouse, ( policy).

Umpqua Valley

Jan. 14, Thurs.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 310, Douglas County Courthouse, Roseburg. Pete Figura, BLM botanist, will present lichen biology, its growth and reproduction. In addition to museum specimens brought for viewing, participants are encouraged to bring some too, being careful not to dislocate those long, ancient strands some produce.

Jan. 16, Sat.

Field Trip: To view lichens, weather permitting.

Feb. 11, Thurs.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 310, Douglas County Courthouse, Roseburg. Cheryl Beyer, plant biologist, will present a program on mosses.

Feb. 13, Sat.

Field Trip: To collect and identify mosses. Meet: BLM parking lot, 777 Garden Valley Road, Roseburg, for 8 A.M. departure.

Willamette Valley

Jan. 11, Mon.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 225, United Methodist Church, 600 State St. NE, Salem. This month will feature our annual UFO (Unidentified Flowering Object) night, where members bring some of their own slides to show. If anyone bringing slides would let me (Ed Myers,( policy)) know, I would appreciate it. If you can't call, and still want to bring slides, please do so anyway. PLEASE NOTE: THIS MONTH'S MEETING IS ON THE 2ND RATHER THAN THE 3RD MONDAY.

Feb. 22, Mon.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 225, United Methodist Church, 600 State St. NE, Salem. Ed Alverson will show slides and speak on "The Ecological History of the Willamette Valley." PLEASE NOTE: AGAIN MEETING DATE CHANGED BECAUSE OF HOLIDAY, THIS TIME FROM 3RD TO 4TH MONDAY.

William Cusick

Jan. 20, Wed.

Meeting: 7 P.M., Forest and Range Laboratory, C Ave. & Gekeler Lane, La Grande. Berta Youtie presents a program on grassland restoration projects. A business meeting will follow at 8 P.M. Barbara is retiring as Chapter president, so come prepared with nominations for her successor. For information, call Dick Kenton,( policy).

This is a view you can see, if you go to the Annual Meeting next summer. It was drawn by Rhoda Love (to be provided...)





Aspen Enhancement in the Malheur National Forest

Quaking aspen is the most widely distributed native tree in the United States. But, a serious decline of aspen has occurred throughout the West. Oregon is experiencing this decline as much as any other state. Let me describe the problem we are experiencing in the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon, which is typical of the Blue Mountains.

Early records and clues available on the landscape indicate that aspen was once more abundant on the Malheur National Forest. Wildfires and fires set by Native Americans acted as a common disturbance to regenerate aspen stands and prevent conifer trees from invading and out-competing the shade intolerant aspen. Years of fire suppression have caused aspen stands to decline dramatically in size and number as conifers take over aspen sites and aspen are not stimulated to regenerate. Now that there are so few aspen, they have become "ice cream" plants for deer, elk, and livestock to forage on, and any new shoots that do occur are generally browsed sufficiently to inhibit growth. The loss of aspen is alarming, because, although this habitat component is relatively small on the Malheur, it is disproportionately important to several species of wildlife. The reduction of aspen also means that we are likely losing genetic variability of aspen clones, a dangerous situation that makes remaining clones more susceptible to such negative influences as disease.

We are trying to actively manage to enhance aspen stands. Our objective is to improve and expand aspen habitat. Rejuvenation by cutting encroaching conifers to reduce competition, burning stands and cutting some aspen to encourage regeneration through shoot suckering, and short term protection with fences will create aspen stands that provide long term habitat for many wildlife species including grouse, neotropical migratory birds, several woodpeckers, deer, and elk, as well as native fish species through the enhancement of watershed function.

Aspen enhancement is costly, largely because it requires building substantial fences to keep cattle, deer, and elk out of the stand until regeneration is out of browse range. The Forest Service has recognized the importance of this problem and is beginning to provide more funding to conduct enhancement activities. Just this year the western Regions of the Forest Service provided $66,700 per Region in a special initiative for aspen restoration. Field units had to compete for this funding, and while a good chunk of money, it did not go far toward funding the great need on the ground - of 31 submitted proposals in this Region, only three could be funded.

Partnerships that help the Forest Service with funding or provide labor and materials are a vital element in our effort to accomplish aspen enhancement. Not only do Partners provide direct benefits, but Partnerships are also important indirectly because they allow us to leverage more funding from our own agency. In this day of tight budgets, the Forest Service from the top levels down likes to see Partner contributions making a match with federal money. Many of our Partners operate the same way, for example Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is more likely to fund project proposals that show a variety of Partners, especially if the project is not explicitly geared toward elk.

As a group dedicated to the conservation of native plants, the Native Plant Society of Oregon would be a valuable Partner in our aspen enhancement efforts. Cash, donated material, or labor are all valuable and greatly appreciated. A weekend work party during the summer months would be an excellent way for individual chapters to get involved with aspen enhancement. A day of fence construction or monitoring could be combined with a native plant hike and barbecue for a fun outing in the Blue Mountains. If your chapter is interested in volunteering to help with aspen enhancement, please contact the Malheur National Forest to make arrangements. We'd love to have you join us! Contact: Malheur National Forest Attn: Libby Knotts, Wildlife Biologist. Email: lknotts/ P.O. Box 849. Phone: ( policy) John Day, OR 97845


Grant Proposals Requested

The Native Plant Society of Oregon will continue to sponsor small field research grants. The objectives of the program are: 1) to stimulate basic field research into the biology and distribution of Oregon's native and naturalized flora and vegetation, particularly in the more remote areas of the state, and 2) to promote native plant conservation through better understanding of Oregon's flora and vegetation and the factors affecting their survival.

Persons interested in applying for funding can obtain a copy of the program policy and guidelines from Dan Luoma, Field Research Grants Committee Chair, 3740 NW Harrison Ave., Corvallis, OR 97330. The material may also be obtained at NPSO's World Wide Web site,

grants.htm Research proposals are due by April 1, 1999 (note that this is a change of date.)


Kathleen Cheap Remembered

In last month's bulletin there was a short message announcing the death of Kathleen Cheap. we at the Blue Mountain Chapter would like to take just a few moments to tell you a bit more about Kathy and her life.

Kathy was born and raised in Vallejo, California, and graduated from Vallejo Senior High in 1969. She continued her education at Selano Community College in California, transferring to California State University at San Luis Obispo, graduating with a degree in Biology. Kathy earned her Masters Degree in Wildlife Science from New Mexico State University at Las Cruces. Kathy was employed by the US Department of the Interior for the last 16 years throughout the U.S. as a Biologist Refuge Manager. Her last position was lead Biologist for five refuges on the Columbia River in Eastern Oregon.

Kathy was a unique lady who had many talents and hobbies. She loved contra dancing and calling, horseback riding and was a skilled artist in numerous mediums. She was deeply concerned with environmental problems, and worked tirelessly to aid in preservation and restoration. We members of the Blue Mountain Chapter were fortunate to be able to assist Kathy in one of her projects on the Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge. We will always treasure that experience. She touched so many of our lives and gave us all a piece of her to carry on forever.

Jerry Baker, President, Blue Mountain Chapter







Introducing NPSO's New Friends of the Oregon Flora Project

You could spend your entire life awe-struck by the beauty of Oregon's flora. But eventually, you're going to pick a flower and try to key it out. Besides the name, you'd probably like to know where else these plants grow and if they are common or not. Depending on where you are in Oregon, figuring out a plant's identity could entail fruitless searching through several books of reference, either written for other geographic regions or woefully out-of-date. Enough of that nonsense! What we need is a new Flora of Oregon, a convenient, up-to-date, single-volume reference, so we can efficiently identify our floral beauties, and get back to being enthralled.

Well, work on the Oregon Flora Project is underway at Oregon State University. The goal of this ambitious undertaking is to produce a single-volume identification manual, complete with descriptions, line drawings and distribution maps for all native and naturalized plants in Oregon. The distribution maps, compiled into an Atlas of Oregon, also will be available on the Internet where you can click-on the dots and look at the data that describes each occurrence.

Like many great undertakings in botany, the Oregon Flora Project is mostly volunteer. Much of the labor in determining which plants grow where in Oregon will come from professional and recreational botanists who submit species lists to the Flora project and voucher specimens to the OSU Herbarium. The difficult work comes with compiling and organizing all the data necessary to assemble a Flora of Oregon. (And in supervising all of us industrious volunteers.)

The most crucial expense to the Oregon Flora Project is the cost of labor, which currently has no paid positions. Following the example of the Jepson Manual (Hickman 1993), producing the Flora of Oregon will require 6 full time workers employed over 10 years.

Oregon State University supports the Flora project by providing workspace, computers, and other crucial infrastructure. We applaud OSU's commitment to the Oregon Flora Project, especially during this era when universities around the world are rejecting classical taxonomy and discarding their herbarium specimens.

Now all we need is money to budget. To begin fund raising for the Flora project, OSU's Director of Development advised us to form a "Friends" group and demonstrate Oregon-wide support for a Flora of Oregon. To form the Friends group, we turned to those who have been the inspiration and elbow grease behind the Oregon Flora Project from the beginning: the Native Plant Society of Oregon. A Friends group sponsored by the prestigious NPSO could establish an active fund raising campaign on behalf of the Oregon Flora Project. At last summer's meeting, the NPSO board voted in favor of this idea. We are all now proud participants in the Oregon Flora Project!

One confusing detail needs to be made clear: with the establishment of the NPSO Friends of the Oregon Flora Project, there now are two avenues available to make donations. You may continue to donate directly to the OSU Foundation, or donations may be routed through NPSO via the Friends group. All the money goes into the same Oregon Flora Project account at OSU, with no hidden fees and no additional administrative costs. If you prefer making donations through the OSU Foundation, please continue to do so. The Friends group will focus on recruiting new donors, both individual and corporate. Fund raising for the Oregon Flora Project now will begin in earnest. We have formed a Friends Committee, and we are looking for people to help us brainstorm. We would like to recruit a wide contingent of support. Perhaps you know just where we should look? If you have experience or enthusiasm, contact me, Keli Kuykendall, at 541.758.8409, or our new address: Friends of the Oregon Flora Project, PO Box 402, Corvallis OR 97333.

Thanks to the extra effort by the NPSO Bulletin Mailing Committee, you can read more about Friends of the Oregon Flora Project in the enclosed brochure. I am very grateful to Esther McEvoy and Rhoda Love who contributed their time, money and artistic talents to create these brochures. We will be distributing more brochures to NPSO Chapter presidents, so you can obtain additional copies for interested friends. Or call me, together we can help ensure the production of a new Flora of Oregon!

Keli Kuykendall

Corvallis Chapter


NPSO State Office Candidates 1999

The Nominating Committee offers the following list of candidates for state offices. Names of additional nominees and brief resumes will be printed in the February Bulletin. Any group of five or more dues-paying members may also submit nominations, with bios, to the Bulletin (with consent of the nominees). The February deadline is January 10th. Ballots will be included in the March issue.

President - Bruce Newhouse

Vice President - Michael McKeag

Secretary - Rhoda Love

Treasurer - Martha Apple


State Office Nominees

Directors-at-large - Veva Stansell, Esther McEvoy, Dave Dobak


Nominations Committee:

Dan Luoma, Chair

Veva Stansell

Dick Brainerd


Siskiyou Field Institute

The Siskiyou Field Institute (SFI) will offer numerous courses and workshops for adults and youth from June 12-June 22. Last year over 300 people participated in programs focused on the natural history of the Siskiyous, and the greater Klamath Region. This year's multi-day programs include Geobotany of the Siskiyous taught by Drs. Art Kruckeberg and Robert Coleman, Fungi and Truffles of the Siskiyou Mountains with Dr. Dan Luoma, Nature Sketching taught by Dr. Frank Lang, Conifers of the Siskiyou Mountains with Dr. John Sawyer, Bryophytes of the Klamath Mountains taught by Dr. Steve Jessup, and Native Seed and Plant Propagation. One-day workshops and field trips include Grasses and their Habitats, Ethnobotany, and botanizing in the region. Programs for youth focus on lichens, soils, edible plants and butterflies. There will be over 30 courses which will overlap during the weekend of June 18-20 so participants will be able to come together in larger gatherings, including a banquet, round table forums, and the annual Illinois River Festival.

Dr. Robert Michael Pyle, an expert on butterflies, natural history of Oregon, and conservation management for biodiversity will present a keynote speech at the SFI banquet on June 18. Dr. Pyle will also lead a one-day workshop on butterflies of the region. There are numerous options for lodging and camping. We have rented the Sis-Q-Meadows Camp on Rough and Ready Creek, where bunk space, camping and meals are available. Camping and lodging are also available at local campgrounds and motels. We hope you'll be able to join us!

A brochure of course descriptions and other events will be available in February. If you are not already on our mailing list and want more information please contact the Siskiyou Field Institute at PO Box 220, Cave Junction, OR 97523; ( policy); email

Rough and Ready Creek

And the Nicore Mine

The Story Continues

On November 23rd the Siskiyou National Forest released the Supplemental Environment Impact Statement for the Nicore Mine. The proposed nickel-laterite strip mine will, if approved, take place in the Rough and Ready Creek Area of Critical Environmental Concern and Botanical Area and the South Kalmiopsis Roadless Area. The Nicore SDEIS is available on the internet at Public comments on the SDEIS must be postmarked by January 29, 1999. Comments and questions may be mailed to District Ranger, Illinois Valley Ranger District - 26568 Redwood Hwy. - Cave Junction Oregon 97523 or emailed to rdesser/

After the last article on the Nicore Mine, in the March, 1998, Bulletin (see also The Kalmiopsis, Vol. 4/1994), a spirited discussion ensued on the NPSO email discussion list. It was the opinion of some that 1) the issue was not appropriate for NPSO forums and 2) that if there was to be information in the Bulletin on the proposed mine that it should be analytical and impartial. The majority of the participant's in the discussion, however, were of the opinion that NPSO forums were an appropriate place to discuss issues affecting significant sensitive plant populations and habitat in Oregon. The debate that raged was thoughtful and inspiring. It demonstrated the depth of talent found within the NPSO membership and their commitment to preserving plants and their habitats.

Why should NPSO and its membership concern themselves with mining issues and the proposed Nicore Mine? My response is that the preservation of native plants and their habitats should be one of the primary focuses of NPSO and its membership in southwest Oregon (at this time) Mining, and the proposed Nicore Mine in particular, is the most significant threat to globally rare and unique plant species, their communities and their habitats. The Oregon Biodiversity Analysis has found that the West Fork Illinois River Watershed in Southwest Oregon's upper Illinois Basin is the number one ranked 5th order watershed, out of 1,400 watersheds in the State. This ranking is based on the occurrence of rare plant species (source USDA Forest Service 1997). Rare species occurrence in this 5th order watershed is centered in the Rough and Ready Creek watershed and the adjacent Oregon Mountain Botanical area, primarily the area of the Nicore mining claims or a proposed ore haul route.

The SDEIS for the mine has developed 6 new alternatives to the mining plan that Nicore originally submitted. Nicore wants to develop approximately 15 miles of haul route, with 7 fords of Rough and Ready Creek and 11 of its tributaries, and 4 different mine sites. The Forest Service's new preferred alternative is to permit Nicore to mine a 5,000-ton bulk sample from the four proposed mine sites, using a helicopter to transport the ore (heavy equipment would still be allowed to drive through the Botanical Area and South Kalmiopsis and across the streams to access the mine sites).

Two preliminary evaluations of the economics of the Nicore proposal (prepared by specialty metals consultants and commissioned by The Nature Conservancy), the Forest Service's own economic analysis in the SDEIS and the surface use determination, the absence of a processing facility, rapidly falling prices for nickel ore and numerous technical and substantive comments submitted by the public provided the justification for the new preferred alternative. The preliminary economic evaluations further noted that the entire Rough and Ready ore body was far smaller than any other similar ore body being considered for commercial exploitation. In other words Nicore would have to mine hundreds of acres, not 35 acres as proposed, to economically justify exploitation. Nicore immediately announced that the preferred alternative to their original plan of operations violates their rights under the 1872 Mining Law and that they will seek legal remedies.

While the Forest Service has taken a big step in identifying the bulk sample/helicopter alternative as their new preferred alternative, the SDEIS's economic analysis, the high ecological and amenity values in the Rough and Ready Creek Area, and the current and foreseeable depressed market conditions for nickel-laterite ore, all point to the high likelihood that Nicore, under the 1872 Mining Law, indeed has no right to mine Rough and Ready Creek. Given these circumstances, the "No Action (no mining)" alternative must be selected by the land managing agencies.

Rights granted by the Mining Law are predicated on the condition that a valuable mineral has been discovered. Would you invest millions of dollars, given the following factors? There currently is a glut on the world market of much higher-grade nickel ore and two new Australian mines are about to go on line. Ore prices are expected to be at an all time low for many years. The only processing facility in the United State is closed and will soon be dismantled. Costs of complying with environmental regulations for the Nicore Mine are high and nationally and globally important public and ecological values are at risk. Considering these factors it appears that the Rough and Ready/South Kalmiopsis ore bodies do not meet the definition of a valuable mineral. The action the land managing agencies (Forest Service and BLM) must take in responding to Nicore's mining plan is not to permit any further degradation of the area and to protect the public's trust through the following measures:

1) Determine if Nicore has the right to mine by conducting validity exams on the mining claims prior to approving any surface disturbing activity, and

2) Recommend the withdrawal of the Rough and Ready Creek/South Kalmiopsis area from mineral entry.

NPSO, as individual members and as an organization can help seek permanent protection for this botanically important area in the following ways:

1) Submit comments on the Nicore SDEIS requesting that the managing agencies select the No Action alternative and that they immediately take the above two steps to determine whether Nicore has a right to mine. Ask them to permanently protect the Rough and Ready/South Kalmiopsis Area from future mining. It is also very important to provide the land managing agencies with any botanical/ecological justification for the mineral withdrawal of the area described above and to emphasize the high amenity values of the area.

2) Write your congressional representatives and request that they seek permanent protection for the Rough and Ready/South Kalmiopsis Area. Also urge them to support full mineral withdrawal of the area and mining claim validity determination.

3) Beyond the comment period, focus plant survey efforts and interest in the Rough and Ready/South Kalmiopsis Area.

The Oregon State University Lichen and Bryophyte Study Group: An example of ways to help.

In February of 1998 members of the Oregon State University Lichen and Bryophyte Study Group, an organization comprised of graduate students, professors and other professionals interested in lichen and bryophyte taxonomy, biogeography, and ecology, conducted a two-day cursory survey of several sites in the Rough and Ready Creek watershed. Prior to the visit, little was known of the non-vascular flora of the area. Over 100 species were identified over the two days and while the list of species compiled was not complete, the groups shared it with the Forest Service and BLM.


Significant finds included: 1) two locations of Bryoria tortuosa, a survey and manage, strategy 1 species in the Northwest Forest Plan; 2) Lecidea delodes, a crustose lichen considered threatened with extirpation throughout its range by the Oregon Natural Heritage Program; 3) Crustose lichens of the Order Caliciales. Species of this group are thought to be indicators of late-seral conditions. Seventeen species of this order, including one new to the Western Hemisphere were documented. In addition, two specimens may be undescribed species.

Barbara Ullian, Conservation Director

Siskiyou Regional Education Project, P.O. Box 1877, Grants Pass, Oregon 97528

Phone/Fax ( policy) E-mail


NPSO Items for Sale

Oregon's Rare Wildflower Poster depicts Punchbowl Falls and three of the Columbia River Gorge's endemic wildflowers. Text on the back describes the natural history of the Gorge and the mission of the NPSO. Available from Stu Garrett, 21663 Paloma Dr., Bend, OR 97701 ( policy). Individuals may order posters at $12 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes. Chapter treasurers may contact Stu for wholesale prices to chapters.

NPSO Window Stickers are decals with NPSO's trillium logo in green over an opaque white background, for use inside car windows. Available from Stu Garrett, $1, minimum order five.

NPSO's Original Wildflower Poster depicts 13 Oregon wildflowers in a striking artist's rendition. Soon to be a collector's item. Available from Stephanie Schulz, 84603 Bristow Rd., Pleasant Hill, OR 97455, $5 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes.

Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi: Proceedings of an Oregon Conference on the Conservation and Mangement of Native Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Fungi. Edited by Thomas N. Kaye, Aaron Liston, Rhoda M. Love, Daniel L. Louma, Robert J. Meinke, and Mark V. Wilson, with a foreword by Reed F. Noss. Available from NPSO Conference Proceedings, 1803 Cedar St., La Grande, OR 97850. ( policy). $20 plus $5 for shipping for the first copy, $2.50 for shipping, each additional copy.


Annual Meeting 1999 Community and Plant Highlights

Emerald Chapter has some botanical treats in store for you at the 1999 Annual meeting in the Central Cascades. Last month Rhoda Love wrote that fire and ice have created many plant communities in this lovely alpine area. This month I review some of those communities and the unique species we hope to see there.


West Slope Evergreen Forests -- Example: White Branch Camp. Pacific silver fir, mountain hemlock, western red cedar. Deeply-shaded, forest floor rich with humus. Abundant ferns and moss. Flowers: bead lily (Clintonia uniflora); Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora); bunch berry (Cornus unalaschkensis); Rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera oblongifolia); round leaved violet (Viola orbiculata); sugar scoop (Tiarella trifoliata); twin flower (Linnaea borealis).

Woodland Streamside and Waterfall Communities -- Examples: White Branch Creek and Falls, Proxy Falls. Ferns: maidenhair fern (Adiatum aleuticum); lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina); oak fern (Gymnocarpium disjunctum). Shrubs: salmon berry (Rubus spectabilis); devil's club (Oplopanax horridum). Flowers: enchanter's nightshade (Circaea alpina); twisted stalk (Streptopus amplexifolius); stenanthium (Stenanthium occidentalis); Lewis' monkeyflower ( Mimulus lewisia).

Lake Edges and Adjacent Seepage Areas -- Examples: Hand Lake, Benson/Tenas Lakes; Huckleberry Lake. Carices, rushes and Isoetes. Flowers: Gorman's buttercup (Ranunculus gormanii); creeping buttercup (Ranunculus flammula); western aster (Aster occidentalis); arrowhead groundsel (Senecio triangularis); Jeffrey's shooting star (Dodecatheon jeffreyi); elephant's head (Pedicularis groenlandica); musk monkeyflower (Mimulus moschatus); fan foil cinquefoil (Potentilla flabellifolia); alpine speedwell (Veronica wormskjoldii).

High Montane Meadows -- Examples: Fingerboard Prairie; Hand Lake Meadow; Linton Lake Meadow. Ferns: leathery grape-fern (Botrychium multifidum); little grape-fern (Botrychium simplex). Flowers: Brewer's cinquefoil (Potentilla breweri); Newberry's gentian (Gentiana newberryi); twisted ladies tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana); long stalked clover (Trifolium longipes var. hansenii); Gray's lovage (Ligusticum grayi); American bistort; (Polygonum bistortoides); broadleaf lupine (Lupinus latifolius); Cascade aster (Aster edophyllus); alpine fleabane (Erigeron peregrinus); many grasses and sedges. Lava Beds -- Examples: McKenzie Pass and Santiam Pass roadsides; Dee Wright Observatory; Matthieu Lakes/Yapoah Crater. Vine maple (Acer circinatum); dwarf ocean spray (Holodiscus dumosus var. glabrescens); Davidson's penstemon (Penstemon davidsonii).

Timberline and Alpine Ridges, Fell Fields, Scree -- Examples: Mt. Bachelor, Yapoah Crater, Belknap Crater, North, Middle and South Sister, Tam MacArthur Rim, Ball Butte. Low compact perennials with large taproots: partridge foot (Luetkea pectinata), Newberry's knotweed (Polygonum newberryi); dirty socks (Eriogonum pyrolifolium); dwarf hulsea (Hulsea nana); silver raillardella (Raillardella argentea); Yellow-bracted paintbrush (Castilleja arachnoidea); alpine lupine (Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii); alpine sorrel (Oxyria digyna); red mountain heather (Phyllodoce empetriformis); white mountain heather (Cassiope mertensiana); pussypaws (Calyptridium umbellatum); golden draba (Draba aureola); pumice grape-fern (Botrychium pumicola).

Remember: "Get High the Last Summer of the Millennium!" Annual Meeting July 30, 31 and August 1. White Branch Youth Camp. McKenzie Highway.

Charlene Simpson, Emerald Chapter

Annual Meeting

Other Accommodations

We've been told that places 'up the McKenzie River' fill up very fast, so we recommend that you make your reservations ASAP, if you're not planning on staying at the White Branch Youth Camp (lodging $8 per night). Thanks to John Koenig and Sylvia Giustina for their fine work in putting this list together!

Upper McKenzie River Accommodations:

Belknap Lodge and Hot Springs - 541-822-3512 Lodge Rooms-rates from $60 to $90 Wooded camping spaces available for tents (hike-in sites only) - $12 per site per two people per day Wooded RV spaces by riverside - $18 per day per two people Hot mineral springs pools and bike rentals available About 8 miles from White Branch Camp on McKenzie Hwy.

Caddisfly Resort - 541-822-3556, (email <>) Three cottages with kitchens on river-rates $65 for two people On McKenzie Hwy. near McKenzie Bridge

Camp Yale - 541-822-3961 RV Park - $12-$15 per day per two people Tent facilities - 10 spaces. Near White Branch Camp on Old McKenzie Hwy.

Cedarwood Lodge - 541-822-3351 Two cabins at McKenzie Bridge. Full kitchens. $70 - $80.

Fry's Double J - 541-822-3304 Two rooms at McKenzie Bridge- $79 per night.

Heaven's Gate Cottages - 541-822-3214 Four rooms. Located in Vida.

Holiday Farm Resort - 541-822-3715 Small cottages (2 ppl) $125-$150; Big Cottages (3 bed- 2 bath) $325-$375 Lodge (sleeps 8-9) $375 On McKenzie River Drive near McKenzie Bridge

Horse Creek Lodge - 541-822-3243 Seven rooms near McKenzie Bridge Log Cabin Inn - 541-822-3432, (email <>)

Log cabins with fireplaces on riverfront-$75-$85 for two people per day Teepees in meadow-$45-$55 per day Some cable television. Basketball, volleyball, horseshoes, fishing. New nature trail and gardens. On McKenzie Hwy. at McKenzie Bridge

Loloma Lodge - 541-822-3830 Variety of accommodations from cabins ($75-$120) to lodges ($160-$325) Secluded riverfront housekeeping cottages and vacation homes on McKenzie River. Full kitchens and fireplaces. Tokatee Golf Course nearby. On McKenzie Hwy. near McKenzie Bridge

McKenzie River Inn - 541-822-6260 Four rooms. Located in Vida.

Osprey Inn - 541-822-8186 (email <>) Elegant Bed & Breakfast on the McKenzie River. All bedrooms have private bathrooms, queen-size beds and perfect views of the river. $110-$135. 56532 North Bank Road, McKenzie Bridge

River's Edge Inn - 541-822-3258 (email <>) Variety of accomodations-$80-$125. Located near Blue River at 91241 Blue River Road.

Riverside Inn - 541-896-3218 Four rooms. Located in Vida.

Sleepy Hollow - 541-822-3805 Nineteen rooms, $47 double, $43 single.

Wayfarer Resort - 541-896-3613 Full housekeeping cottages in a park-like setting on the McKenzie River and Marten Creek. $75 - $200 (studios, 1, 2, 3, 4 bedroom cottages and an octagon that sleeps 8). Tennis court, hot tub and some air conditioning. Located at 46725 Goodpasture Road near Vida.

Woodland Cottages - 541-822-3597 Located in Blue River

There will be a list of campgrounds in the February Bulletin, plus a description of the living facilities at White Branch Youth Camp.

Marcia Jayne Cutler, Emerald Chapter

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