NOTE: This is an archived NPSO Bulletin.
Some information may be out of date, and
some links may not be functional.
Bulletin of the
Native Plant Society of Oregon
Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study
of Oregon's native vegetation
Volume 32 |
Number 2 |
February 1999 |
ISSN 0884-599
In this issue
Book Review (Oregon's Living Landscape ÷ ) -- Kareen Sturgeon
Annual Meeting Speaker -- Rhoda Love
Winter Twig Guide Available Again -- Gail Baker and Rhoda Love
Forest Service Urged to Acquire Scenic Lands in Columbia Gorge -- Russ Jolley
1999 Annual Meeting Information -- Marcia J. Cutler
Book Review (Spirit of the Siskiyous) Barbara Mumblo
NPSO 1999 State Office Candidates
It's Still Renewal Time
The NPSO membership year is January to December.
Check your address label on the Bulletin. If there is a 98 on the top line, we have not received your renewal yet.
NPSO brings you field trips, programs, classes, the monthly Bulletin, and the annual Kalmiopsis. Your membership and donations make it possible to carry out more of the many projects that are needed to pursue the goals of NPSO.
Membership Directory to be Published
The 1999 edition of the Membership Directory will be published in April. If you wish to receive a copy, add two dollars to your renewal payment.
If you wish to have your address or telephone number, or both, withheld from publication in the directory, please make a prominent note on your renewal form.
State News
July 30 - Aug. 1 Fri. - Sun. |
Annual Meeting: The 1999 Annual Meeting will take place in the high country of McKenzie Pass, and will be hosted by the Emerald Chapter. (See inside.) |
Chapter News
Blue Mountain
Feb. 1, Mon. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Small Business Development Center, SE 1st & Dorian, Pendleton. Sandy Ott of the Native Plant Nursery of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation will present "Production Techniques of Native Plants." |
March 1, Mon. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Small Business Development Center, SE 1st & Dorian, Pendleton. Jim McIver, an entomologist from La Grande, will present "Ants Put It Up With Honey Too: Food Storage and Ants," which focuses on ants dependent on Artemisia tridentata. |
Feb. 25, Thurs. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Carnegie Room, McMinnville Public Library, 225 NW Adams, McMinnville. Wapato for the People. Anthropologist Melissa Darby presents a slide show telling how wapato (Sagittaria latifolia) was used by Native Americans and by wildlife on the lower Columbia River, and why its population has been decimated.. |
March 25, Thur. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Carnegie Room, McMinnville Public Library, 225 NW Adams, McMinnville. The Oregon Flora Project. Scott Sundberg, Research Associate in Botany and Plant Pathology at OSU, will present an update on his work of producing a manual for the identification of plants in Oregon. |
Feb. 8, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Avery House, Avery Park, Corvallis. Loren Russell, esteemed local naturalist, will be presenting "Plants of Mary's Peak (and some insects)." For more information, call Steve Northway,( policy). |
Feb. 6, Sat. |
Field Trip: Winter twig walk, co-sponsored by Mt. Pisgah Arboretum and NPSO. Judith Manning, of MPA's Board of Directors, will take us on a two-hour walk and help us identify trees using only twigs. Meet: MPA's Visitor's Center, 10 A.M. Bring hand lens, ruler, pocket knife (if possible) and $3 ($2 for MPA members). You'll get a copy of Dr. Rhoda Love's "Key to Winter Twigs of Deciduous Trees and Shrubs at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum," rev Oct. 1997. For more information, call( policy). |
Feb. 22, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 109, Science Building, main campus, Lane Community College, Eugene. Louise Parsons, editor, North American Rock Garden Society Newsletter, will help us prepare for our High Cascades Annual Meeting, in her talk, "Western Cascades Geology and Plants." Trained in geology, geography, gardening and art, Louise will give a "broad-brush amateur naturalist's point of view ÷ [placing] ÷ the plant treasures of this region into the totality of their natural range and setting." Directions: From 30th Ave., turn south on Eldon-Schafer Dr., go past Oak Hill School and park in LCC's south parking lot, east end. Walk downstairs to Science Building. |
March 15, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 109, Science Building, main campus, LCC, Eugene. Loren Russell, Corvallis Chapter member of NPSO, who is very knowledgeable about the mountain plants of WA., OR. and n. CAL., will talk on "Alpines in Oregon," another great preparation for the annual meeting. He'll compare the alpine vegetation of the Central High Cascades, the Wallowas and Steens Mtn., emphasizing the species richness, habitat diversity and geographical affinities of the mountains. For directions, see the February meeting. |
High Desert
Feb. 23, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend. Dr. Stu Garrett presents "Oregon Landscapes: Then and Now." |
March 23, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend. Dr. Lucille Housley, Botanist/Ecologist, BLM, Lakeview District, presents "Another Reality; the plant world of indigenous people in the Intermountain West." She'll show slides and discuss plants used for food and fiber, and demonstrate taxonomic keys she's developed for identifying plants of use. |
April 27, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend. Dr. Greg Reigal, Area Ecologist, US Forest Service, presents "The Area Ecology Problem: Ongoing Research on National Forest Lands of Central and South-Central Oregon." Among other things, he will discuss recent research in ponderosa pine ecosystems, especially fire ecology, fire history and fire management. |
Klamath Basin
Feb. 9, Tues. |
Meeting: 7-9 P.M. Room 202, Owens Hall, OIT campus, Klamath Falls. Wendell Wood, Oregon Natural Resources Council, will give a presentation on wildlife, old-growth forest and other ecological issues concerning the proposed Pelican Butte ski resort project. For more information, please call David Lebo,( policy). |
Feb. 3, Wed. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Discovery Center Theater, in The Dalles. Greg Koonce, a hydrologist, will speak on issues to consider in wetland restoration. |
March 3, Wed. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Discovery Center Theater, in The Dalles. Program to be announced. |
North Coast
For information on the North Coast Chapter, call Christine Stanley, ( policy). |
Feb. 9, Tues.. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. First United Methodist Church, 1838 Jefferson St., Portland. Loren Russell presents a program on the alpine plants of Oregon. |
Feb. 21, Sun. |
Field Trip: Winter twig identification. For more information, call Greg Stone,( policy). |
Feb. 18, Thurs. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 171, Science Building, SOU, Ashland. Wayne Rolle will give a presentation, "Flora of the Red Buttes Wilderness, Siskiyou County, Cal. |
South Coast
For information on the South Coast Chapter, call Bruce Rittenhouse, ( policy). |
Umpqua Valley
Feb. 11, Thurs. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 310, Douglas County Courthouse, Roseburg. Cheryl Beyer, plant biologist, will present a program on mosses. |
Feb. 13, Sat.. |
Field Trip: To collect and identify mosses. Meet: BLM parking lot, 777 Garden Valley Road, Roseburg, for 8 A.M. departure. |
Willamette Valley
Feb. 22, Mon. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 225, United Methodist Church, 600 State St. NE, Salem. Ed Alverson will show slides and speak on "The Ecological History of the Willamette Valley." PLEASE NOTE: MEETING DATE CHANGED FROM 3RD TO 4TH MONDAY BECAUSE OF HOLIDAY. |
March 15, Mon. |
Meting: 7 P.M. Room 225, United Methodist Church, 600 State St. NE, Salem. Morris Johnson will give a talk and show slides of microscopic parts of plants, in a program called "Plants, very close-up and personal (a microscopic view)." |
William Cusick
Feb. 17, Wed. |
Meeting: 7-9 P.M., Forest and Range Laboratory, C Ave. & Gekeler Lane, La Grande. Mike McInnis, Range Science Professor at EOU in La Grande, will demonstrate how to identify grasses. This will be a hands-on session, so bring a hand lens and dissecting tools if you have them, and learn some of our native grasses. Program 7-8, business meeting 8-9. |
We Welcome New Members Joining From 10/18/98 To 12/31/98
Corvallis Sarah Fairbank Laurie Halsey Dylan B. Keon Cynthia Lipp Philip and Judith Neher Kim Roberts Emerald Alice Doyle Herm Fitz Justin Harris Gail Karuna Dawn Katona Jeani Sapienza Judith Sprauer High Desert Andrew McWilliams Klamath Basin Gary Cassady George Meyer Mid-Columbia Patricia Horn |
Portland John Bishop Jenny Bush Dale A. Horchner Jean and Walt Meihoff Laura Nobel Brian Perleberg Laurie Ann Rooper Alicia D. Sheprow Siskiyou Jennifer Brown Marie E. Moser South Coast Robyn Darbyshire Willamette Valley Karlynn Huling William Cusick Donna Hammer At Large M. Amaral |
The Internal Revenue Service requires non-profit organizations to acknowledge in writing all contributions of $75 or more. We believe this has been done, but any member who has not received an acknowledgement should contact the Membership Committee immediately.
The Board of Directors has adopted the policy that the first $18 of any membership payment represents value received (subscription to the Bulletin and Kalmiopsis), and only that part of dues payment exceeding $18 is considered tax deductible for Federal and Oregon income tax purposes. Members requiring further information should consult their tax advisers.
Jan Dobak, Membership Committee
Prices Dropped on Flora ID
Northwest Plant Keys
Thanks to the response over the last four years, we have been able to recover our expenses, and we have lowered the prices for computer plant keys up to 60%. For information, or ordering, see, or contact Bruce Barnes, 135 SE 1st, Pendleton, OR 97801, (O) ( policy), (H) ( policy), FAX ( policy).
Book Review
Oregon's Living Landscape: Strategies and Opportunities to Conserve Biodiversity, Oregon Biodiversity Project, A Defenders of Wildlife Publication, 1998. Available through Oregon State University Press, Dept. DW, 10 Waldo Hall, Corvallis OR ( policy). Photographs, maps, illustrations, bibliography, index, 24 x 30" color poster. 218 pages. $29.95.
This is a wonderful reference book that anyone concerned with conserving Oregon's native species and habitats will want to own. It is the product of over four years of "inquiry, analysis, discussion, and debate" by members of the Oregon Biodiversity Project (OBP), a collaborative effort among scientists, conservationists, land managers, and leaders from the business community "to develop a statewide strategy to conserve Oregon's natural biological diversity." A first step in any conservation effort is necessarily to determine what must be conserved and this is precisely what the OBP set out to do in this book. But the strength of the report is that it does more than just this: it identifies locations, in each ecoregion, where conservation efforts might best be directed, and it makes concrete recommendations for how best to accomplish conservation goals.
With over 75 maps generated using GIS technology, top quality color photographs, and in highly readable prose, the authors first introduce the reader to biodiversity (Ch. 1 "Biodiversity Basics"): what it is, why it is declining, "coarse" and "fine filter" approaches to conserving biodiversity, and the value of the landscape level or "big picture" approach taken by the OBP. In Ch. 2 ("A Strategy for Conserving Biodiversity"), they identify important "themes," or win-win strategies, that are more likely to effectively guide conservation efforts than the polarized positions ("jobs vs. owl") of the early 90s;
for example, they encourage land managers to develop partnerships and other cooperative arrangements as they work toward more "biodiversity-friendly management" on public and private lands, and they advocate providing conservation incentives, whenever possible, rather than relying solely on regulatory disincentives.
In Ch. 3 ("Statewide Overview"), the reader is introduced to the rating system used by the OBP to rank lands according to their ability to conserve biodiversity and to the interesting, and alarming, results of such an analysis. For example, less than 10% of all vegetation types statewide are currently classified in the Current Conservation Network (CCN), those lands most capable of conserving biodiversity. Full color maps of current and historic vegetation patterns offer dramatic testimony to the declines of some vegetation communities (e.g. prairie and oak savanna) and the equally remarkable spread of others (e.g. western juniper).
Ch. 4 ("Assessing Oregon's Ten Ecoregions") evaluates conservation issues and opportunities in each of the state's 10 ecoregions. Each section includes maps and text describing lands in the CCN, historic and current vegetation patterns, and at-risk species. Those areas within each ecoregion that offer the greatest opportunities for conservation are identified and discussed in detail. For example, in the Willamette Valley Ecoregion, "one of the state's most altered ecoregions," habitat alterations and disruptions in basic ecosystem processes, such as fire regimes and hydrology, have been so extensive that "opportunities for large-scale protection or restoration of native landscapes are limited." Nevertheless, the report identifies five areas (West Eugene wetlands, Willamette River floodplain, the Muddy Creek and North Corvallis areas, and the Columbia River bottomlands) where ecosystem structure and function might be enhanced and at-risk species conserved.
Ch. 5 ("Conclusion") summarizes the major conservation issues facing the state and identifies policy and institutional barriers that will have to be overcome if conservation is to become a priority for Oregon. In the end, the recommendations boil down to three principles: protect and maintain what remains of native habitats and species; restore habitats and ecosystem processes wherever possible; and practice better stewardship on lands managed primarily for values other than biodiversity conservation. In my view, the most important contribution this book makes may be as much in its clear statement of values as in its wealth of information.
"Biological diversity must be a core value for Oregonians," writes steering committee chair Daniel Heagerty in the Foreword. "It defines who we are and what we represent as a state." I can think of no better context for conserving biodiversity than to make this goal explicit. In fact, I plan to require Oregon's Living Landscape as a text for the senior-level Environmental Problem-Solving Seminar that I will teach this spring at Linfield College.
My only criticisms are: 1) the poor quality of the binding: the back cover had separated from the body before I got the book home; and 2) the awkward placement of the poster: it is impossible to view as attached to the book and difficult to remove from the book without tearing.
Kareen B. Sturgeon,
Cheahmill Chapter
NPSO Items for Sale
Oregon's Rare Wildflower Poster depicts Punchbowl Falls and three of the Columbia River Gorge's endemic wildflowers. Text on the back describes the natural history of the Gorge and the mission of the NPSO. Available from Stu Garrett, 21663 Paloma Dr., Bend, OR 97701 ( policy). Individuals may order posters at $12 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes. Chapter treasurers may contact Stu for wholesale prices to chapters.
NPSO Window Stickers are decals with NPSO's trillium logo in green over an opaque white background, for use inside car windows. Available from Stu Garrett, $1, minimum order five.
NPSO's Original Wildflower Poster depicts 13 Oregon wildflowers in a striking artist's rendition. Soon to be a collector's item. Available from Stephanie Schulz, 84603 Bristow Rd., Pleasant Hill, OR 97455, $5 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes.
Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi: Proceedings of an Oregon Conference on the Conservation and Mangement of Native Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Fungi. Edited by Thomas N. Kaye, Aaron Liston, Rhoda M. Love, Daniel L. Louma, Robert J. Meinke, and Mark V. Wilson, with a foreword by Reed F. Noss. Available from NPSO Conference Proceedings, 1803 Cedar St., La Grande, OR 97850. ( policy). $20 plus $5 for shipping for the first copy, $2.50 for shipping, each additional copy.
Annual Meeting Speaker
As most Bulletin readers know, Emerald Chapter will be hosting the 1999 NPSO Annual Meeting July 30 to August 1 at the White Branch Camp in the Central Cascades. In previous issues we have given hints of the natural beauty, diversity and botanical richness of this area along the upper McKenzie River. This month we would like to introduce you to our banquet speaker, Bill Sullivan of Eugene.
Many of us know and use Bill's wonderful hiking books, "100 Hikes in the Central Oregon Cascades," "100 Hikes in Northwest Oregon," and "Exploring Oregon's Wild Areas," and have enjoyed his adventure journal, "Listening for Coyote." What you may not know is that Bill also spearheaded last year's successful drive to fund a new Eugene Public Library for which we in this city will always be deeply grateful.
I asked Bill what he has been working on lately and found that he has a new book, "Hiking Oregon's History," which will be published this spring. He told me: "For once I get to tell the strange stories behind Oregon's most interesting historic trails, including Lewis and Clark's route across Tillamook Head, Chief Joseph's trail through Hell's Canyon, and Sam Barlow's wagon road around Mt. Hood." Bill will be giving several public lectures about the book in Eugene, Portland and Salem in April. Contact him at for dates and places.
Bill, a native Oregonian, has the perfect background for what he loves to do best: hike and write. He began to hike at age five and left high school at age 17 to work and study in a remote area of the California desert. He holds a BA from Cornell in English and MA in German from UO. He and his wife Janell Sorensen, a teacher, have bicycled and studied in Germany and built a log cabin on the Siletz River. They have two children, Karen, a student at the UO, and Ian a high school sophomore.
Bill's eagerly awaited next hiking book will be "100 Hikes in the Wallowas." This summer he hiked half the trails in those mountains, but, as he told me: "It's a big area, and to do it properly I figure I'll need three years."
Come to the Annual Meeting and hear this fascinating individual talk about his adventures on Oregon's trails. Registration forms will be in your April Bulletin.
Rhoda Love, Emerald Chapter
Winter Twig Guide Available Again!
Now, while our deciduous trees are leafless you may be wishing for a guide to help you identify those exposed twigs. If you have been hoping to acquire the out-of-print book "Winter Twigs," by Helen Gilkey & Pat Packard, OSU Press, 1962, you are in luck. The Press has permission from Dr. Packard, to reproduce the book via the docupress technology and offer it for sale in quantity to bookstores, classes, organizations, etc. The ISBN number is ( policy), OSU Press, Corvallis.
The book contains keys, descriptions, a glossary and very fine drawings of the twigs of approximately 80 species of NW deciduous plants. 50 copies should be available at the Lane Community College Bookstore by late January priced at about $25.50. Books for Winter Term stay on the shelves through the end of February, so please plan to make your purchase by then. (An Emerald Chapter person may be willing to get a copy for you if you provide a check to cover cost, postage and packaging.)
Some of the plant names have changed since 1962. Rhoda Love hopes to be able to produce a list of name changes, based on information to date from the Oregon Flora Project at OSU. She will post a notice to NPSO-chat when her list is complete.
Two private properties have been offered for sale (at the appraised price) to the U.S. Forest Service/Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, the Allen property on the Washington side and the Johnson property in Oregon.
Allen: This 210-acre property lies at the top of Tracy Hill (2000 ft. elev.) and on the east side of Catherine Creek Valley, including a quarter-mile stretch of Catherine Creek itself. Over half the Allen property lies inside the designated Catherine Creek Natural Area. This property is the home of wild turkeys and the mountain lady-slipper (Cypripedium montanum), which blooms around June 1.
Johnson: This property (five parcels totaling 30 acres) lies adjacent to existing national forest and state parkland in the Rowena area. All 30 acres should be acquire to prevent loss of scenic landscapes. Please emphasize to the Forest Service that parcel 2300, for example, has especially high scenic and recreational value. The entire 6.77-acre parcel -- open grassland and pine-oak woodland -- lies in the view from popular Tom McCall Point. If the Forest Service fails to acquire parcel 2300, a house will eventually be built on it, resulting in a loss of scenic open space. Private development would mean that the public could not park along the side of Dell Road to enjoy wandering among the stands of blue camas and other wildflowers which adorn parcel 2300 in the spring.
Please ask the Forest Service to acquire all 30 acres of the Johnson property as well as the
Allen property. COMMENT DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 8, 1999. Write to Art Carroll, Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area, Hood River, OR 97031, to express your support for these acquisitions.
Russ Jolley, Portland Chapter
The folks at Emerald Chapter are very excited about our annual meeting and have prepared a variety of resources for you to learn about the high Cascades and our meeting site, Camp White Branch. To help you locate the succulent details, here is the schedule of our NPSO Bulletin articles:
Dec.(98) - Fire, Ice and Flowers (the Central Cascades); Jan.(99) - Community and Plant Highlights, Other Accommodations; Feb.(99 )- White Branch Accommodations, William Sullivan (Keynote Speaker), Other Campgrounds; Mar.(99) - White Branch Meals and Events;. Apr.(99) - Registration Forms, Field Trip Information/Selection.
(Sign up deadline is June 15th)
And brand new! A web page with pictures/notes of White Branch! Thanks to Clay Gautier, Gail Baker and Lisa Karst for setting this up.
People have been wondering if we're providing lodging and meals at Camp White Branch. YES! The Camp has plenty of lodging (& tenting & RV space) and they'll be providing three meals a day (served cafeteria style). We hope you'll all come and stay with us at the Camp. We printed the list of "Other Accommodations" early (Jan. bulletin) because the Upper McKenzie area is very popular in July and we were told that people who wanted to stay some place other than the Camp should make their reservations soon.
White Branch is a pleasant old Youth Camp, in the Willamette National Forest on the Old McKenzie Highway (242). It's at 2500 ft. elevation and approximately 1 hour east of Eugene, 1 hour west of Sisters. There's a dormitory (above the dining hall) which sleeps 54, and 6 cabins, which sleep 12 each. The beds are bunks with plastic covered mattresses. Tent and RV sites are available, for the same price/night ($8) as the cabins/dormitory.
The cabins don't have restrooms, but the restroom-shower building is centrally located, and there's one restroom in the dormitory/dining hall. For extra fun, there's a swimming pool, volleyball courts, a large meadow for games, and many hiking trails through big old trees to beautiful waterfalls.
The Camp facilities are used heavily year-round and are simple, basic and wonderously inexpensive. Three meals and a bunk will cost you about $20/day, $40/weekend. You'll be able to select which night(s) and meal(s) you want on the registration form (April bulletin).
Nearby U.S Forest Service Campgrounds
(For exact location refer to Willamette National Forest Recreation Map)
Limberlost: No drinking water. 4 tent only and 10 tent/trailer sites. Vault toilets. Low use.
Alder Springs: No drinking water. 7 tent only sites. Hiking trails. Vault toilets. Low use.
Paradise: Drinking water. 64 tent/trailer sites. Hiking trails. Flush toilets. High use. Fee.
Scott Lake: No drinking water. 20 tent only sites. Hiking trails. Vault toilets. Medium use.
Olallie: Drinking water. 17 tent/trailer sites. Vault toilets. Medium use. Fee.
McKenzie Bridge: Drinking water. 20 tent/trailer sites. Vault toilets. Medium use. Fee.
Horse Creek: Drinking water. 20 tent/trailer sites. Vault toilets. Medium use. Fee.
Trail Bridge: Drinking water. 28 tent/trailer sites. Hiking trails. Flush toilets. Med use. Fee.
Marcia J. Cutler, Annual Meeting Chair
Book Review
Visit the Siskiyous this winter from your own easy chair. "Spirit of the Siskiyous -- the Journals of a Mountain Naturalist" was recently published by the Oregon State University Press. The mountain naturalist who wrote these journals is Mary Paetzel, long-time observer of the marvels of the Siskiyous. Lee Webb, Siskiyou National Forest biologist, and Jackie Elliott, with the Siskiyou Audubon Society, were instrumental in getting these wonderful journals published.
Some of you may have crossed paths with Mary; she's one who doesn't beat around the bush in speaking up for our natural world and sharing with us what's unique and wonderful about the Siskiyous. Mary is very knowledgeable and observant of plants, birds and invertebrates and is so eloquent in describing what she sees.
These journals were not written originally for publication but for Mary to remember these special times. Her art work complements her word pictures and it's a treat for us to share these experiences with her.
The first entry in this book is "Fairy Bells on the Winter Air. It's about a "never-to-be-repeated experience" when Mary watched ice crystals "falling in luminescent strands from the branches" and heard "their musical tintinnabulation like so many fairy chimes on the winter air." I wish I could observe nature as well as Mary describes it.
A number of bookstores around the state are carrying this book and you can also order it from the OSU bookstore, OSU Press, 101 Waldo Hall, Corvallis, OR ( policy) ( . ISBN 0-87071-449-X, $21.95.
Barbara Mumblo, Siskiyou Chapter
NPSO 1999 State Office Candidates
The Nominating Committee offers the following list of candidates for state offices. Election ballots will be included in the March Bulletin.
Bruce Newhouse was born in Oregon and fell in love with our native flora and fauna while growing up in the Portland suburbs and northern Oregon Cascades. He is a botanist, wetland scientist, and naturalist as a partner in Salix Associates. Since the early '90's he has been active in NPSO, serving stints as Emerald Chapter president, vice-president, and currently, co-chair of NPSO's R & E Committee. He is an at-large board member and the NPSO Statewide Atlas Coordinator for the Oregon Flora Project. Bruce is on the Atlas Committee, is a member of the Carex Working Group, and is a member of several local parks and storm water committees. This term he is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Oregon, co-teaching an urban habitat class in the Landscape Architecture department. If elected, Bruce pledges to try to stimulate interest and activism in NPSO, particularly in building educational resources and providing input to public decision-making. He believes that as concerned, local residents, we are the only stewards of our local ecosystems, and that we need to be more vocal and visible in that role.
Michael McKeag, incumbent, is a member of the Portland Chapter. His involvement with NPSO grew out of his interest in gardening with native plants. After a few field trips and a season as field trip coordinator for the Portland Chapter, he was hooked. Now his garden languishes while Michael is off in the wilds studying plants in their native habitat. He hopes to participate in an NPSO galvanized with a sense of purpose that inspires others to join in. He would like to see NPSO become irresistible.
Rhoda Love of Eugene has been an NPSO member since 1972. She is a past state president of our Society and currently is co-president (with Gail Baker) of the Emerald Chapter. Rhoda taught botany at Lane Community College for approximately 30 years. Now retired, she volunteers for the Oregon Flora Project in Corvallis and works on biographies of Northwest Plant Hunters.
Martha Apple is currently secretary of the Corvallis Chapter. She enjoys botanizing with NPSO, and would like to expand on her involvement with NPSO by becoming treasurer. She is interested in some of the very large native plants of Oregon - doing research is on the anatomy of needles from old-growth Douglas-fir trees. Martha is affiliated with the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at OSU. She holds a Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Rhode Island, and master's and bachelor's degrees in Botany and Geography from the University of Montana.
Dave Dobak has been looking at flowers for at least 30 years, and has been a NPSO member since 1983. He has led field trips and given programs for the Portland and Mid-Columbia chapters. He was vice-president of the Portland Chapter in 1992, and a State director-at-large in ( policy), and has served as assistant to the Treasurer for the past four years, as Secretary pro-tem now and then, and as techno-flunky to three Bulletin editors and the Membership committee.
Esther McEvoy founded the Corvallis Chapter in 1982 and has served the state organization in several capacities. She was Legislative Committee chair for ten years and was instrumental in efforts to pass Oregon's endangered species act. Esther has served on the board in the past and has botanical experience working out of the Burns BLM office.
Veva Stansell of Siskiyou and South Coast Chapters has been a member of NPSO since the Ice Age (at least for a very long time). She is retired from the United States Forest Service, having worked as Botany Tech and District Botanist at Gold Beach Ranger District on the Siskiyou National Forest. She is active in volunteer projects for The Nature Conservancy, NPSO, USFS and others, as long as they are fun. She considers the Siskiyou Mountains to be her basic geographic range, though she can sometimes be found in disjunct locations.
Dan Luoma, Nominations Committee Chair, Corvallis Chapter, Veva Stansell, Siskiyou and South Coast Chapters, Dick Brainerd, Corvallis Chapter.
Leach Garden Events
The Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 SE 122nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97236, is presenting the following events:
Feb. 20, 9 A.M.-Noon. A class in mosses and liverworts. Microscopes provided. A garden tour is included, so dress accordingly. Class limit 15, members $10, non-members $15.
March 13, 9-11:30 A.M. A class in landscaping designed for homeowners. Class limit 15, members $15, non-members $20.
Pre-registration required for all classes. Call ( policy), to register.
[Notice to Contributors]
[Notice to Field Trip Participants]
[Notice to Field Trip Chairs, Leaders]
[NPSO Officers]
© Copyright 1999 Native Plant Society of Oregon, All Rights Reserved
Last Modified Frebruary 13, 1999