NOTE: This is an archived NPSO Bulletin.
Some information may be out of date, and
some links may not be functional.
Bulletin of the
Native Plant Society of Oregon
Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study
of Oregon's native vegetation
Volume 32 |
Number 3 |
March1999 |
ISSN 0884-599
In this issue
NPSO Board Meeting Highlights: January 1999 Ò Dave Dobak 36
Scholarship Offered Ò Harriet Schoppert 36
Oregon Garden Prepares for Opening Ò Wilbur L. Bluhm 37-38
NPSO/ODA Conservation Biology Internships Ò Tom Kaye 38-39
1999 Annual Meeting News, Events and Menu Ò Marcia Cutler 39
Research and Conservation Grants 40
Friends of the Oregon Flora Project 40
Has Your Membership Expired?
If there is a "98" at the top of your address label, this is the last Bulletin you will receive Ò until you send your membership renewal for 1999.
Membership Directory to be Published
The 1999 edition of the NPSO Membership Directory will be published in April. If you wish to receive a copy, add two dollars to your renewal payment.
If you wish to have your address or telephone number, or both, withheld from publication in the Directory, please make a prominent note on your renewal form.
State News
July 30 Ò Aug. 1 |
Annual Meeting: The Emerald Chapter is hosting the 1999 annual meeting in the high country of McKenzie Pass. Registration material will be in the April Bulletin. For pictures/notes of meeting site, check our new web site: |
April 17, Sat. |
Board Meeting: 10 A.M. Ò 4 P..M. Brooks Room, Deschutes County Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend, Oregon. Directions: The Library is the new, large building on the west side of Wall St., just south of the main downtown part of Bend. The meeting room is immediately to the left as you enter the front door. |
Chapter News
Blue Mountain
March 1, Mon. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Small Business Development Center, SE 1st & Dorian, Pendleton. Jim McIver, an entomologist from La Grande, will present "Ants Put It Up With Honey Too: Food Storage and Ants," which focuses on ants dependent on Artemisia tridentata. |
March 18, Thur |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Carnegie Room, McMinnville Public Library, 225 NW Adams, McMinnville. Scott Sundberg, Research Associate in Botany at Oregon State University, will talk about his work producing a plant identification manual for Oregon, and how NPSO chapters can help. (Business mtng. 7 P.M., program 7:30) PLEASE NOTE: THIS MTNG. IS ON THE 18TH, NOT THE 25TH AS ANNOUNCED IN THE FEB. BULLETIN. |
March 8, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Avery House, Avery Park, Corvallis. Rebecca Goggans will inform us of the Oregon Dept. of Fish and WildlifeÌs new program she is developing on conservation and restoration of the Willamette Valley Garry oak savanna. This much-diminished oak savanna is belatedly recognized as a highly threatened ecosystem vital to many non-game animals as well as plant endemics in western Oregon. Further participatory discussion on the issue will follow. For more information, call Steve Northway, ( policy). SEE MORE NEWS ON P. 40. |
March 20, Sat. |
Field Trip: We will usher in the spring equinox with an outing to McDowell Cr. County Park to see the early blooming fetid adderÌs-tongue (Scoliopus hallii). Meet: 9 A.M., OSU parking lot, across from Monroe St. Beanery. Bring lunch. For more information, call Steve Northway, ( policy). |
March 27, Sat. |
Field Trip: 9 A.M. To be announced at the March 8th meeting. |
March 15, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 109, Science Building, main campus, Lane Community College, Eugene. Loren Russell, Corvallis Chapter member of NPSO, who is very knowledgeable about the mountain plants of WA, OR and n. CAL., will talk on "Alpines in Oregon," another great preparation for the annual meeting. HeÌll compare the alpine vegetation of the central, high Cascades, the Wallowas and Steens Mtn., emphasizing the species richness, habitat diversity and geographical affinities of the mountains. Directions: From 30th Ave., turn south on Eldon-Schafer Dr., go past Oak Hill School and park in LCCÌs south parking lot, east end. Walk downstairs to Science Building. NOTE: CHANGE FROM 4TH MONDAY TO 3RD MONDAY, THIS MONTH ONLY. |
High Desert
March 23, Tues. |
Meeting: 7: P.M. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend. Dr. Lucille Housley, Botanist/Ecologist, BLM, Lakeview District, presents "Another Reality; the plant world of indigenous people in the Intermountain West." SheÌll show slides and discuss plants used for food and fiber, and demonstrate taxonomic keys sheÌs developed for identifying plants of use. |
April 27, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend. Dr. Greg Reigal, Area Ecologist, US Forest Service, presents "The Area Ecology Problem: Ongoing Research on National Forest Lands of Central and South-Central Oregon." Among other things, he will discuss recent research in ponderosa pine ecosystems, especially fire ecology, fire history and fire management. |
Klamath Basin
March 9, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 219, Owens Hall, OIT campus, Klamath Falls. Guest speaker will be Wayne Rolle, forest botanist in the Rogue River National Forest. Wayne will give a slide presentation on wildflowers along the Wimer Rd. route, including southern Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon, Del Norte County, Cal., W. Fork Illinois River and N. Fork Smith River drainages, serpentine flora, and the remote back country. Please join us. For more information, call David Lebo,( policy). |
March 3, Wed. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Discovery Center Theatre, The Dalles. John Kallas will present a program titled "Sea Vegetables of the Pacific Coast." Not all of the seaÌs edible riches have fins or shells. Join us to learn more. |
April 4, Sun. |
Field Trip: Enjoy a short (2-3 hr.) hike in the beautiful Catherine Creek area of the Gorge, designed to acquaint or reacquaint people with the Gorge spring wildflowers. Offered in conjunction with the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. Registration required! To register, call David Weiss (Forest Service), ( policy), ext. 213. Leader: Barbara Robinson,( policy). Meet: 10 A.M., Discovery Center, The Dalles, exit 82 off I-84. |
April 7, Wed. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Discovery Center Theatre, The Dalles. Imagine a beautiful, dove-gray, delicately veined and crenellated lichen that grows on rocks under water. This is Hydrotheria venosa, a rare Pacific Northwest endemic. Chiska Derr, expert lichenologist and US Forest Service botanist, will share information she has gleaned from her study of this unusual species. |
April 18, Sun. |
Plant Show: Our annual plant show, with a large display of plants from all over the Gorge and nearby areas. Same day as the FiremanÌs Smorgasbord. DonÌt miss either. 10 A.M. Ò 4 P.M., Mosier School, exit 69 off I-84. |
April 18, Sun. |
Field Trip: Hike through oak woodland to the top of a small (450 ft.) wildflower covered hill in the Memaloose Overlook area of the Gorge, for a panoramic view. About 3 hrs. Offered in conjunction with Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. Registration required. To register, call David Weiss (Forest Service), ( policy), ext. 213. Leader: Barbara Robinson. Meet: 10 A.M., at the Discovery Center, The Dalles, exit 82, off I-84. |
North Coast
For information on the North Coast Chapter, call Christine Stanley, ( policy). |
March 7, Sun. |
Field Trip: Catherine Creek. Always a great way to start the flower season, as Sara Barnum and I will show you Sisyrinchium douglasii, Fritillaria pudica and many other spring bloomers. Easy hike. Leave 8:30 A.M., Gateway/99th Ave. Park & Ride, southeast corner of parking lot. Take exit 7, from I-84, turn immediately right onto NE 99th Ave. Second mtng. Place: 10 A.M., Bingen Winery parking lot on S.R. 14. Call Greg Stone,( policy), for more information. |
March 9, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. First United Methodist Church, 1838 Jefferson St., Portland. Dr. John Kalus of Wild Food Adventures is a botanist, nature photographer, writer, researcher and teacher who has led expeditions on wild foods for over 19 years. He will present an "Introduction to Wild Foods." |
March 14, Sun. |
Field Trip: Three Bench Loop. .Join trip leader Russ Jolley for a trip up the Gorge to see Lomatium columbianum, L. grayi, Cardamine pulcherrima, crocidium sp., Plagiobothrys sp. And balsamroot. Steep climb at start (200 ft.) for some great views. Leave 8:30 A.M., Gateway/99th Ave. Park & Ride. Trailhead located on S.R. 14 at mile post 79, at the far end of DougÌs Beach parking area, 10 A.M. For more information, call Greg Stone,( policy). |
April 11, Sun. |
Field Trip: Mosier wildflower show at Mosier School. For more information, call Greg Stone,( policy), and see Mid-Columbia Chapter. |
March 6, Sat. |
Field Trip: Rough and Ready. Leader: John Roth. See rare plants such as Waldo rockcress and Siskiyou Mountains pennycress and a profusion of other wildflowers. Rough and Ready is an extremely rich botanical area that is gravely imperiled by a mining operation. Meet: 11 A.M., Illinois Valley VisitorÌs Center, 201 Caves Highway, Cave Junction. Call John, ( policy), for more information. |
March 18, Thur. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 171, Science Building, SOU, Ashland. Darren Borgias, Southwestern Oregon Stewardship Ecologist with The Nature Conservancy, will present a multi-media discussion on the successful use of prescribed fire in restoring rare plant habitat on the mounded prairie of the Agate Desert and in a Jeffrey pine savanna and a Darlingtonia fen in the serpentine Siskiyous. |
March 28, Sun. |
Field Trip: How trees prevent erosion. Leader: Rich Nawa. For more information, call Rich, ( policy). |
April 3, Sat. |
Field Trip: Limpy Creek. Leader: Maria Ulloa. A beautiful example of both serpentine wetlands and drylands that is very close to Grants Pass. Meet: 10 A.M., US Forest Service office in Grants Pass, 200 NE Greenfield Rd. (just north of exit 58 on I-5). For more information, call Maria, ( policy). |
April 10, Sat. |
Field Trip: Rough and Ready again. Leaders: Mike Anderson and Don Heinze. Observe the intraseasonal succession (changes in the numbers, development and species of flowers) in a single spring month at this threatened botanical gem. Meet: 9 A.M., Illinois Valley VisitorÌs Center (see March 6). For more information, call Don, ( policy). |
April 11, Sun. |
Field Trip: In search of steelhead. Leader: Rich Nawa. For more information, call Rich, ( policy). |
South Coast
March 20, Sat. |
Field Trip: We will explore the world of coastal lichens at either Cape Arago or Eel Creek (near Lakeside), depending on the weather. Meet: BLM parking lot, 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend, 8 A.M. Trip will last until about noon. Bring rain gear, hand lens if possible, and lunch (optional). For more information, call Andrea Pipp or Tim Rodenkirk at ( policy). |
Umpqua Valley
March 11, Thur. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 310, Douglas County Courthouse, Roseburg. Barbara Wilson, a botanist, will present a program on Carex (sedges). |
Willamette Valley
March 15, Mon. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. Room 225, United Methodist Church, 600 State St. NE, Salem. Morris Johnson will give a talk and show slides of microscopic parts of plants, in a program called "Plants, very close-up and personal; a microscopic view." |
William Cusick
March 16, Tues. |
Meeting: 7 P.M., Forest and Range Laboratory, C Ave. & Gekeler Lane, La Grande. Larry Larson, Professor of Rangeland Resources, OSU, will explain the use of grasses to control diffuse knapweed infestations. WeÌve discussed this topic informally at many meetings. HereÌs a chance to see research data on the knapweed problem. |
NPSO Board Meeting Highlights Ò January 1999
The NPSO Board met January 23 at Avery House in Corvallis. Thanks to the Corvallis Chapter for hosting the meeting. Esther McEvoy read a personal remembrance of Karl Urban, who died in January.
TreasurerÌs report: The ending balance for 1998 was higher than budgeted because of a modest increase in membership dues, and the fact that Kalmiopsis was not published. Principal sources of income were membership dues and contributions ($20,630) and Environmental Federation of Oregon ($10,159). Principal expenses were chapter share of dues ($6,162), Bulletin ($7,329), partial support of three ODA Interns ($4,500), and grants ($8,815), including $3,000 to the Oregon Flora Project .
Budget committee report: Dan Luoma reviewed the proposed budget, which is substantially the same as 1998 actual results, but includes allowance for two issues of Kalmiopsis. The Board decided to increase funding for the Oregon Flora Project to $6,000. Friends of the Oregon Flora: Keli Kuykendall asked for, and the Board approved, one more year of sponsorship as a NPSO committee before becoming independent. The Friends Committee has been successful in soliciting individual contributions, and will next be trying to get some grants. In addition to Keli Kuykendall as Chair, Rhoda Love and Esther McEvoy are committee members. Several additional NPSO members have expressed interest in joining the committee, and more would be welcome.
Membership committee report: the membership count is now 1,012. Shane Latimer will continue to serve on the Environmental Federation of Oregon board of directors. There were a lot of volunteer hours put in by NPSO last year, but the current year is still below quota. We need 100 hours per year to support our commitment to EFO, which provides most of the funds NPSO uses for grants.
The Board approved nominations of Wilbur Bluhm and Ken Chambers as Fellows of NPSO. Sales of the Proceedings from the 1995 rare plant symposium have been declining. The board voted to reduce the price to $5 plus shipping to encourage sales of the remaining copies.
Dave Dobak
Scholarship Offered
The Jean Davis Memorial Fund is again offering a scholarship for the 1999-2000 school year, in the amount of $1000.00.
This will be given to a full time student enrolled in plant systemics or plant ecology in the state of Oregon.
We are looking for undergraduates who have completed two years of college work.
To receive more information and an application, which must be submitted by May 30th, please call or write to:
Harriet Schoppert
OregonÌs Rare Wildflower Poster depicts Punchbowl Falls and three of the Columbia River GorgeÌs endemic wildflowers. Text on the back describes the natural history of the Gorge and the mission of the NPSO. Available from Stu Garrett, 21663 Paloma Dr., Bend, OR 97701 ( policy). Individual may order posters at $12 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes. Chapter treasures may contact Stu for wholesale prices to chapters.
NPSO Window Stickers are decals with NPSOÌs trillium logo in green over an opaque white background, for use inside car windows. Available from Stu Garrett, $1, minimum order five.
NPSOÌs Original Wildflower Poster depicts 13 Oregon wildflowers in a striking artistÌs rendition. Soon to be a collectorÌs item. Available from Stephanie Schulz, 84603 Bristow Rd., Pleasant Hill, OR 97455, $5 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes.
Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi: Proceedings of an Oregon Conference on the Conservation and Management of Native Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Fungi. Edited by Thomas N. Kaye, Aaron Liston, Rhoda M. Love, Daniel L. Louma, Robert J. Meinke, and Mark V. Wilson, with a foreword by Reed F. Noss. Available from NPSO Conference Proceedings, 804 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850. ( policy). $20 plus $5 for shipping for the first copy, $2.50 for shipping, each additional copy.
Oregon Garden Prepares for Opening Ò Seeks Members
Late spring or early summer, year 2000, will see the opening of the Oregon Garden. Construction and planting of phase 1 is well under way in preparation for the GardenÌs opening.
The idea of an Oregon Garden originated within the Oregon Association of Nurserymen (OAN), and the OAN provided the impetus to get it going. The nursery industry has invested heavily in it. Additional, and significant, funding has also come from a number of other sources, including grants from Federal government and State of Oregon Economic Division, private foundations, individuals, and business. Some 10 million dollars have been contributed so far. It is expected to cost double that amount to complete the Oregon Garden.
The Oregon Garden is on south edge of city of Silverton. This site became known while several other sites were under investigation. The city of Silverton, in need to provide more sophisticated treatment of its effluent, contacted the OAN. The city offered the land and water for the garden, if the Oregon Garden located there. Now the two had mutual interests and potential benefits. The decision was easy.
The land provides an excellent site with its gentle slopes, rolling terrain, native oak and conifer woods, extensive open areas, and great vistas. An abundant supply of water affords many opportunities. The developed plan calls for outstanding water features not commonly found in, or available to, most public gardens. The GardenÌs symbol is the "Signature Oak," one of the largest known specimens of Oregon white oak, Quercus garryana. It is featured in the GardenÌs design. Native plants will become prominent as the Garden is fully developed.
It became apparent the Oregon Garden needed to have its own governing organization, and the Oregon Garden Foundation was established. There now are 12 Oregon nursery growers on the Foundation board, plus 12 people who have no connection to the nursery industry. Two non-nursery people are ex-officio, and the 3-member Senior Advisory Council has one nurseryman and two others not industry affiliated. While the nursery industry maintains great interest in the Garden, the Oregon Garden Foundation has no official tie to the industry.
The Oregon Garden Foundation is very desirous of broadening its membership, as many gardens before it have found to be a necessity for a successful public garden. It is now appealing to a wider plant community, including those with interests in natives, to become members of the Oregon Garden Foundation, providing support for the Garden as members.
Completion of phase I will showcase attractive, well designed gardens with plants, structures, and water. Most of the plants will be ornamental, but some native plants will be used in landscape settings. Phases II and III will ultimately see completion of the Garden and provide many additional plant and design opportunities.
Those of us with a special interest in natives will find they, too, are included in phases II and III, some earlier. The conifer woods is to remain as a native woods. The oak woods, now populated with non-native grasses and other species, will become a native oak woods with later Garden development. A moss garden is on the master plan; this is a garden of mostly, if not all, native mosses. A full native plant garden is planned for phase II or III, providing an opportunity for people to see many Oregon native plants. More information is available from the Oregon Garden Foundation, P.O. Box 155, Silverton, OR 97381, or by calling 503-874-8100.
Wilbur L. Bluhm, Willamette Valley Chapter
NPSO/ODA Conservation Biology Internships
During the 1999 field season, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Native Plant Society of Oregon (NPSO) will once again sponsor internships in plant conservation biology. This program, in effect since 1990, is intended to provide an initial research experience to individuals considering conservation biology as a career choice. It is especially appropriate for students who have recently completed or will soon finish their undergraduate degree and desire field experience before attending graduate school. Open to anyone (except previous interns), priority will be given to life science (especially botany or biology) undergraduates, recent graduates, or individuals seriously thinking of a change in career orientation towards conservation. Applicants must be available in early May (preference will be given to applicants who can start by May 3, 1999).
We are currently recruiting for three full-time summer interns to assist with our programÌs ongoing field projects. Interns contribute field and/or laboratory assistance to ODA/OSU scientists working on several subjects during the summer. The internships will run 16-weeks from early May through August, and will be involved with a diversity of projects dealing with plant demography, population monitoring, habitat management, species re-introduction, and plant breeding system studies.
Interns receive a summer stipend of $2500 in addition to a trip reimbursement of $20-$45 per night for food and lodging. Extensive field work (often including overnight car-camping or motels) will be required, so applicants should be in good physical condition. All activities will be coordinated out of Oregon State University in Corvallis, requiring interns to live in the mid-Willamette Valley area. Also, interns will be expected to contribute an article to the NPSO Bulletin summarizing some aspect of their summer work.
The deadline for internship applications is March 24, 1999. To apply, send a letter of interest, resume, college transcripts (unofficial copies are fine), and a writing sample (such as a recent term-paper or essay), and names and phone numbers of two references to the address below. Be sure to state when you would be available to start work (this MUST). Finalists may be interviewed in Corvallis or Salem, Oregon, or by phone. If you have any questions, please contact:
Tom Kaye, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, 2082 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR, e-mail:
The beautiful upper McKenzie needs no further adornments to beckon a nature-loving spirit, but in case youÌd like to be further enticed to the 1999 Annual Meeting, hereÌs some things youÌll be able to do at White Branch Youth Camp.
FRI. SOCIAL - take a late afternoon walk with Charlene Simpson, Emerald Chapter charter member and good friend Veva Stansell from Pistol River, hear musical botany, watch a great slide show, eat.
SAT. BANQUET Ò help honor old and new officers and board and new fellows, hear Bill SullivanÌs adventures in the Cascades, eat.
SPONTANEOUS - hike in old growth to sparkling waterfalls, play in an open meadow, swim in a big pool (late afternoons), view the exotic Monroe maple, cavort under the almost full moon.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AND hereÌs what weÌre planning for your gustatory delight. (Subject to the usual disclaimers of availability and new inspirations of Emerald Chapter and/or White Branch cooks)
BREAKFAST: Pancakes & sausages on Sat. and scrambled eggs on Sun., with hot oatmeal, cold cereal, a fruit and orange juice available both days.
LUNCH: Make-your-own-sack-lunch both days(at breakfast) from a selection of lunch meats, cheeses, vegetables, an apple, pkg. Potato chips, cookies and pop/orange juice..
FRI. DINNER Substantial cold meal of sliced lunch meats, cheese, salad, vegetables, fruits and brownies.
SAT. BANQUET: Spinach lasagna(w/,w/o meat), salad, French bread, cooked vegetable, peach cobbler.
Coffee and hot water for teas(both caffeinated and herbal varieties) are always available in the dining room, along with a microwave and refrigerator. Milk will be served at breakfast and dinner meals.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *PLUS an alert/request to NPSO botany, ecology, biology, etc. college teachers/students Ò the annual meeting this year will be around $50 for food and lodging for the whole weekend, thus eminently affordable. We think this could be a great opportunity to introduce budding botanists to the many joys of NPSO, and thus possibly gain valuable new members for our great Society. So, please consider putting the word out to your classes and encouraging them to come to the Annual Meeting and also to join NPSO. Contact us if you need more info, a copy of our flyer, etc. Registration forms will be in the April Bulletin, feel free to make copies for people who havenÌt yet joined NPSO
Marcia Cutler, Annual Meeting Chair,, ( policy)
Research and Conservation Grants
The Corvallis Chapter is offering one or more grants from $300 to $500. They are offered in support of research in, conservation of, and education about the native flora of Oregon. Short grant requests should be limited to two pages, and should include:
Recipients will describe the outcomes of their projects at either a chapter meeting, a poster presentation, or in the NPSO Bulletin. Send applications to Dick Brainerd, Corvallis Chapter Treasurer, 1377 NW Alta Vista Dr., Corvallis, OR 97330. Submissions should be received by March 31, 1999.
Upland Savanna Studies
The Corvallis Chapter is working on upland savanna studies and restorations. We hope to locate any remaining Willamette Valley populations of Viola nuttallii var. praemorsa.
Anyone who knows of such populations or who wishes to assist in exploratory surveys should contact Steve Northway at ( policy).
The Chapter seeks nominations for officers. Nominations will be taken at the March meeting. A new position of chapter conservation chair is open and in need of being filled.
[Notice to Contributors]
[Notice to Field Trip Participants]
[Notice to Field Trip Chairs, Leaders]
[NPSO Officers]
© Copyright 1998 Native Plant Society of Oregon, All Rights Reserved
Last Modified December 13, 1998