NOTE: This is an archived NPSO Bulletin.
Some information may be out of date, and
some links may not be functional.
Bulletin of the
Native Plant Society of Oregon
Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study
of Oregon's native vegetation
Volume 32 |
Number 8 |
August 1999 |
ISSN 0884-599
State News
Treasurer Needed : Treasurer-elect Martha Apple is unable to take office due to work-related considerations. If you are interested in helping NPSO as our treasurer, please contact Bruce Newhouse at policy), for information. New Directors and Officers : Directors: Dave Dobak, Esther McEvoy, Veva Stansell; President: Bruce Newhouse; Secretary: Rhoda Love. |
Chapter News
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Aug. 7, Sat. |
Field Trip: Cape Meares. In the unique habitat of the deflation plains at the cape, we will be able to see the twisted orchid in bloom, and also golden-eyed grass, centaury, etc., and with any luck at all, one of the grape ferns. Leader: Marilynn Karbonski. Meet at the ESD at 8:30 A.M. For more information, call Marilynn at policy. |
Aug. 21, Sat. |
Field Trip: Drift Creek. A short 1.5 mile hike through coastal forest |
Aug. 9, Mon. |
Meeting: Mark Wilson will give a talk entitled, "Restoring Our Prairies: Early Successes in Scientific Management." Also, plan to exchange information about personal seed collections, and what native plants people want to cultivate in the coming year. 7:30 PM, Avery Park, Corvallis. Call Steve Northway, policy), for information. . |
Aug. 11, Wed. |
Field Trip: Public Tour: National Clonal Germplasm Repository. Facility maintains stocks of many important agricultural crop plants, including pears, strawberries, |
Aug. 21, Sat. |
Field Trip: Fanno Bog. This exceptionally wet place in the Coast Range |
Emerald (20th Anniversary Year)
Meeting: No meeting in August. We'll be having our 20th birthday bash at our September meeting! Our Chapter's transition to new officers took place in July, and we'd like to request help from the membership for some key tasks. If you are interested in helping with |
Aug. 19, Thurs. |
Herbarium Work Party: 9 A.M. - Noon. LCC Botany Room, Science Building, Room 109, Lane CC main campus. Each year a group of students and others get together to mount the pressed specimens collected throughout the year. Learn how to press and mount herbarium specimens and take accurate collection data. Gail Baker will provide instruction and guidance. For more information, contact Gail at policy), for information. |
Sept. 27, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Rm. 109, Science Building, Lane CC main campus. 20th anniversary celebration! Join us for an evening of local botanical history, as Charlene Simpson presents a slide show chronicling 20 years of the Emerald Chapter people, places, and of course, many wondrous photos of local wildflowers. Cake and ice cream will follow! A special invitation is extended to Charter members and all former chapter officers. Directions: From 30th Ave, turn south on Eldon-Schafer Dr., go past Oak Hill School and park in Lane CC's south parking lot, east end. Walk downstairs to Science Bldg. |
Oct. 25, Mon. |
Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Room 109, Science Building, LCC main campus. Another great talk/slide show will occur, but we haven't firmed up details yet. More details in September bulletin. |
Aug. 14, Sat. |
Field Trip: Broken Top Volcano. This is our annual trek to view the spectacular scenery and alpine wildflowers in the high Cascades west of Bend. 6 miles roundtrip, moderate to strenuous hike, with 1700-ft. elevation gain. Mostly off-trail hiking through the Three Sisters Wilderness, so number limited to 12. Pre-registration required. Call trip leader Stu Garrett, policy), for information and to sign up. |
Aug. 21, Sat. |
Field Trip: Three-Fingered Jack area. Difficult, 12 mi. R.T. hike up toward Three-Fingered Jack, with a short, steep, cross-country trek downhill, to connect with a loop trail that will pass three nice lakes. Bring a swimsuit and we can cool off in the last lake if the weather is warm. Meet at the Bend J.C. Penney parking lot, 9:30 A.M. Wilderness travel limits trip to 12, so call Sierra Club leader, Alison Hamway, policy), for information and registration. |
Sept. 28, Tues. |
Meeting: Potluck at Stu Garrettís house. More details in the September Bulletin. |
Klamath Basin
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Field Trips: Please contact David Lebo at policy), for the latest information. |
Aug. 4, Wed. |
Meeting: 7 P.M. At the beautiful home of Stuart and Mildred Chapin on the bluff overlooking the Columbia at policy). Steve Northway, Corvallis Chapter president, will give us a presentation on monarch butterflies and other pollinators, the fascinating ways in which plants and pollinators are adapted to each other, and how their Chapter is restoring habitat to help pollinators survive. Call Stuart Chapin, policy), for information and for directions. |
Sept. 1, Wed. |
Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Discovery Center Theatre, The Dalles. Rhoda Love will share her research on "The Long, Happy Life of Louis F. Henderson," a remarkable plant collector in the Northwest who lived quite a while in the Hood River area. |
For information on the North Coast Chapter, call Christine Stanley, policy). |
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Aug. 8, Sun. |
Field Trip: Mt. Hood, Cloud Cap. A journey through high mountain meadows will reveal some treasures; Avalanche lilies, Bead lilies, the pink mountain heather, the mop tops (Anenome occ.), Partridge foot, the red monkeyflower (lewisii), Castilleja parviflora, and we're expecting a good Bear-grass year. Hike is 8mi. R/T with 2,000ft. elev. gain, 166mi. R/T driving. Pre-registration is required. Leave 8AM 99th/NE Glisen Park and Ride, southeast corner of parking lot (Exit 7 off of I-84 east, then turn right onto NE 99th). To register call Beth Magnus at policy) . |
Aug. 15, Sun. |
Field Trip: Sheep Canyon, Mt. St. Helens. How about old-growth noble fir, the fragrance of lupines, the subtle orange agoseris, yellow creamy penstemons, and a great view of the rim for lunch. Hike about 6 mi. R.T., with 1200 ft. elev. gain, to highest point at 4,600 ft. If you are unfamiliar with the trail, you are encouraged to call the trip leader. Leave 8:30 A.M., Gateway/99th Ave. Park & Ride, SE corner of parking lot. (I-84 east to exit 7, turn right immediately onto NE 99th). Second mtng. place, Yale Reservoir Recreation Site, 9:45. Call Carroll Dubuar, policy), for information. |
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Aug. 7, Sat. |
Field Trip: Mt. Elijah/Bigelow Lake, Siskiyou Mountains (just south of Oregon Caves). Late summer wildflowers, wildlife, evening/night hike. Bring sack supper, flashlight, water, jacket. Leaders: Maria Ulloa ( policy), wildflowers); Mary Bell (wildflowers); Lee Webb ( policy), wildlife). Meet: Illinois Valley Visitor Center, 201 Caves Hwy., Cave Junction, 4 P.M., return by 11 P.M. Moderate to difficult hike. |
Aug. 8, Sun. |
Field Trip: Rough and Ready, once again. Led by Mike Anderson. Return to Rough and Ready, this time to a low-water creek crossing to a Pleistocene bench (possibly the result of a cataclysmic glacial event). Here we'll visit an unusual, flat, narrow California pitcher plant fen, which meanders across the bench. The fen is home to the sensitive and seldom seen Oregon willow herb, which, along with other attributes, has the cutest darn stigma you'll ever see! Meet: Illinois Valley Visitor Center, 201 Caves Highway, Cave Junction, 9 A.M. Easy, 3-mile hike. |
Aug. 14, Sat. |
Field Trip: Red Mountain (in the high Siskiyou Mountains). Led by Barbara Mumblo policy), for information. Enjoy alpine wildflowers and the cool weather at high elevations in late summer. Meet: 9 A.M., USFS Star Ranger Station, 7 mi. south of Ruch on upper Applegate Rd. |
Aug. 15, Sun. |
Field Trip: Snorkeling in the East Fork Illinois River, 1-5 P.M. Led by Rich Nawa. Instruction for adults and children about snorkeling techniques in small streams. Learn to identify juvenile (3-8 in.) rainbow trout, coho salmon and cutthroat trout by their distinctive markings, behavior and habitat selection. Bring a mask, snorkel, sneakers and wet suit if you have one. Meet at the Siskiyou Project office, 9335 Takilma Road. |
For information on the South Coast Chapter, call Bruce Rittenhouse at policy), for information. |
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Aug. 14, Sat. |
Field Trip: Diamond Lake to see Schistostega pennata and summer wildflowers. Meet in the BLM parking, 777 NW Garden Valley Blvd at 8:00 AM. Contact Russ Holmes, policy), for information. |
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Aug. 14, Sat. |
Field Trip: To Nasty Rock, at the headwaters of the Molalla River in the Cascades. Marilyn Lowery, BLM botanist, will lead this late season hike along an established trail through mature forests and rocky openings, up to the rocky pinnacle of Nasty Rock. Rock garden plants, scenic vistas and the rare Gorman's aster will be seen on this trip. Leave, 8 A.M., BLM parking lot, corner of Commercial and Fabry Rd. SE. Call Marilyn or Claire, policy), for information. |
Meeting: No meeting in August. |
Aug. 7, Sat. |
Field Trip: Barbara Russell will lead a hike up the Bowman Trail 6 miles to Chimney Lake in the Eagle Cap wilderness. This trail starts on the Lostine River road, crosses the Lostine River and then climbs, so the first two miles will be fairly strenuous. Total elevation gain is 2400 feet; the lake is at 7600 feet. We will leave at 7:00 a.m. from the Forest and Range Lab in La Grande, located at C Ave. and Gekeler Lane. It takes about 2 hours to drive to the trailhead. If you plan to take your vehicle you must have a trail park pass in order to park at the trailhead which can be obtained from the Forest Service; the cost is $3.00 per day or $25.00 per year. Please wear hiking boots, take plenty of water and enough food for two meals and snacks. Also bring a first aid kit. We will plan to be back in La Grande by 9:00 p.m. Limit is 12 people, so call Barbara to register policy), for information.
Field trips take place rain or shine, so proper dress and footwear are essential. Trips may be strenuous and/or hazardous. Participation is at your own risk. Please contact the trip leader or chapter representative about difficulty, distance, and terrain to be expected on field trips. Bring water and lunch. All NPSO field trips are open to the public at no charge (other than contribution to carpool driver) and newcomers and visitors are always welcome. _________________________________________________________ |
The Forest Service and other agencies have set policies limiting group size in many wilderness areas to 12. The reason is to limit human impacts on these fragile areas. Each group using wilderness areas should be no larger than 12. |
Oregonís Rare Wildflower Poster depicts Punchbowl Falls and three of the Columbia River Gorgeís endemic wildflowers. Text on the back describes the natural history of the Gorge and the mission of the NPSO. Available from Stu Garrett, policy). Individual may order posters at $12 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes. Chapter treasurers may contact Stu for wholesale prices to chapters.
NPSOís Original Wildflower Poster depicts 13 Oregon wildflowers in a striking artistís rendition. Soon to be a collectorís item. Available from Stephanie Schulz, policy),$5 each, plus $3 per order for shipping. Posters are mailed in tubes.
Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi: Proceedings of an Oregon Conference on the Conservation and Mangement of Native Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Fungi. Edited by Thomas N. Kaye, Aaron Liston, Rhoda M. Love, Daniel L. Louma, Robert J. Meinke, and Mark V. Wilson, with a foreword by Reed F. Noss. policy). SALE PRICE: $5, plus $2.50 for shipping.
[Notice to Contributors]
[Notice to Field Trip Participants]
[Notice to Field Trip Chairs, Leaders]
[NPSO Officers]
© Copyright 1999 Native Plant Society of Oregon, All Rights Reserved
Last Modified August, 1999