NOTE: This is an archived NPSO Bulletin.
Some information may be out of date, and
some links may not be functional.

Bulletin of the

Native Plant Society of Oregon

Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study
of Oregon's native vegetation


Volume 32

Number 11

November 1999

ISSN 0884-599

In this issue

State News

Chapter News

Memories of White Branch, by Marcia Cutler

Summer Intern Report, by Diana Fodor

Highlights of the October State Board Meeting

Key to the Penstemons Now Available

Printable Membership form

State News

Bulletin Editor Needed: If you are interested in helping NPSO as our Bulletineditor, please contact Bruce Newhouse,

Nov. 13, Sat.

Field Trip: A special tour for NPSO members of The Oregon Garden at Silverton. We will meet at 10:00 A.M. at Salem, or 10:30 A.M. at The Oregon Garden. The tour will end by 12:00 noon. Lunch is on your own.

To caravan to The Oregon Garden, take the I-5 Keizer exit on north side of Salem. Coming from the north, after exiting, turn right to a parking area, about 200 yards, on the left just before crossing the railroad track. Coming from the south after exiting, turn left and continue through a second traffic light to a parking area, about 200 yards after second traffic light, on the left just before crossing the railroad track.

It will be helpful, though not necessary, to indicate your interest; contact Wilbur Bluhm, This will be an opportunity to see the Garden, now under major construction, prior to its informal opening next year. The Oregon Garden, when completed, will feature a number of gardens within the Garden. Included are an oak savanna, wetlands, childrenís garden, and other more formal gardens. Use of effluent water in a tertiary treatment will enable a number of major water features within the Garden.

Jan 22, Sat.

Board Meeting: 10 A.M. Leach Garden, Portland.

Chapter News

Blue Mountain

Nov. 1, Mon.

Meeting: 7 P.M. Small Business Development Center, SE 1st & Dorian, Pendleton. Program to be announced. Come and swap stories from the summer.

Dec. 6, Mon.

Meeting: 7 P.M. See December Bulletin for program.


Nov. 18, Thur.

Meeting: 7 P.M., McMinnville Public Library, Carnegie Room, 225 N.W. Adams. "Natural History, Decline, and Conservation of the Willamette Valley Checkermallows." Our speaker, Steve Gisler, is a botanist who works for the Oregon Department of Agriculture's Native Plant Conservation Program. He is also working on Master's project at Oregon State University, studying the Sidalcea (checkermallows). Program will start immediately after a short business meeting. Please note, the monthly meeting is a week earlier than usual because of Thanksgiving.


Nov. 6, Sat.

Workshop: Propagation Workshop of Natives-Cuttings, Rhizomes, and Seeds from 10 am to 1 P.M. Please bring any native seeds or starts you have collected and we will pot them up for the next spring garden sale. If interested, contact Esther McEvoy, (policy).

Nov. 8, Mon.

Meeting: Rhoda Love will give a talk entitled "Aged Botanist Speaks on Plants: The Grand Old Man of Northwest Botany-Louis F. Henderson 1853-1942." Meet at 7:30 P.M. at the Avery House, Avery Park. For more information, please contact Esther McEvoy, (policy).

Emerald (20th Anniversary Year)

Nov. 6, 13, 20

Work Parties: Three Saturdays, 9 A.M.-12 noon "De-Vine Intervention" at Hendricks Park - English Ivy pulling!!! Meet at the picnic area parking lot in the Park (the lot is to the right at the top of Summit Drive). Bring rain gear, warm boots, water and leather gloves. For more info, call Bruce Newhouse, (policy).

Nov. 7, Sun.

Field trip: Sixth Annual Forest Fungal Foray with Peg Boulay and Bruce Newhouse. Meet at 9 a.m. at the South Eugene High School parking lot, 19th and Patterson. Pick up a free personal use mushroom permit before hand at the Willamette National Forest Headquarters during weekday working hours. Bring waterproof boots and rain gear, a basket or a bucket, a watch, a lunch, and a field guide if you have one. We'll decide which way we will go (Cascades or Coast) at the time and place of the rendezvous. Trip limited to 20, call 343-2364 to pre-register. Co-sponsored by the brand new Cascade Mycological Society!

Nov. 13, Sat.

Field Trip: Bicycle Bryology (and Lichenology) in Alton Baker Park led by Dr. Dave Wagner. Meet at 1:00 P.M. at Autzen Bike Bridge with bike and required helmet. Dress for rain, bring lunch and hand lens. Trip will end by 4 P.M. For more info, call Peggy Robinson, (policy).

Nov. 22, Mon.

Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Room 110, Science Building, LCC main campus. Dr. Nan Vance will talk on "Important Species which provide non-timber forest products - what are the issues of sustainability?". Directions: Due to construction around the LCC Science building where our meetings are held, you will have to follow a new access route. Please allow a few min. extra time to get to our meeting room. Park in the southeast corner of the south parking lot, walk down the pathway at
east end of parking lot to east end of Science building.

Dec. 13, Mon.

Holiday Gathering: 7:30 p.m. Watch for details in December Bulletin.

High Desert

For information on the High Desert Chapter, call Stu Garrett, (policy).

Klamath Basin

For information on the Klamath Basin Chapter, call David Lebo, (policy).


Nov. 3, Wed.

Social and Meeting: Come early (7 P.M.) to socialize in the Discovery Center Café, The Dalles. Bring cookies or snacks or just yourself. Meeting begins at 7:30 P.M. in the Discovery Center Theater. We have a very special guest speaker this month: Catherine Elston, Professor of History at the University of Northern Arizona, who has worked closely with the Hopi and Navajo for years. She will tell us about medicinal and ceremonial plants of the Navajo. Professor Elston will also be speaking at the Discovery Center on Tues., Nov. 2, about her book, Ravensong, on raven mythology among native people and the scientific study of ravens..

Dec. 1, Wed.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. in Discovery Center Theater. Bill Wyler, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is doing restoration projects on the Little Klickitat River and Swale Creek designed to improve fish runs and will give a progress report.

North Coast

For information on the North Coast Chapter, call Christine Stanley, (policy).


Nov. 9, Tues.

Meeting: Ethnobotanist, Margaret Matthewson, will give a "General Overview of Oregon Ethnobotany." Her program will emphasize nonmedicinal foods, baskets and other uses of native plants. The meeting will be held in the Fireside Room (#355) of the First United Methodist Church located at 1838 SW Jefferson St., in Portland. The room is open at 6:30 P.M. for socializing and the meeting will begin at 7 P.M.


Nov. 18, Thur.

Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Room 171 of the Science Bldg., Southern Oregon Univ., Ashland. Bob Budesa from the Medford office of the BLM will give a talk about the issues surrounding non-native species on our public lands.

Umpqua Valley

Nov. 10, Wed.

Meeting: Meeting scheduled for Wednesday because of the Veteran's Day Holiday. Lisa Wolf and her husband Tom will speak on their year long hike through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico and Arizona. 7:00 PM, Room 310, Douglas County Courthouse.

Nov. 13, Sat.

Field Trip: Will view lichens, mosses, and mushrooms at a destination to be announced. Meet at BLM parking lot, 777 NW Garden Valley Blvd., Roseburg for 8:00 departure.

Willamette Valley

Nov. 15, Mon.

Meeting: 7PM room 225, United Methodist Church, 600 State St NE, Salem. The program will be 'The Ceanothus of Oregon' given by Dr. Clifford Schmidt of Salem. Dr. Schmidt is an authority on this group of plants, having written the section on Ceanothus for both the Jepson Manual and the Flora of North America. He is retired from the Botany staff of San Jose State University. There will be an informal work session on future programs, etc. prior to the program(meet about 6:30PM).

William Cusick

Nov. 2, Tues.

Meeting: 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Forest and Range Lab, Gekeler Lane and C Avenue in La Grande. Liam O'Callaghan, biologist from Lostine who is currently working on a wetland restoration on the Wallowa River will give a talk on the vision and challenges of wetland restoration, including the difficulties of determining which native plants really were there to begin with. Liam's varied experience, including working with the U.S. Forest Service and Peace Corps, will make for an interesting evening! Contact Barbara Russell for more information, (policy).


Field trips take place rain or shine, so proper dress and footwear are essential. Trips may be strenuous and/or hazardous. Participation is at your own risk. Please contact the trip leader or chapter representative about difficulty, distance, and terrain to be expected on field trips. Bring water and lunch. All NPSO field trips are open to the public at no charge (other than contribution to carpool driver) and newcomers and visitors are always welcome.



The Forest Service and other agencies have set policies limiting group size in many wilderness areas to 12. The reason is to limit human impacts on these fragile areas. Each group using wilderness areas should be no larger than 12.

Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors of the articles.

They do not represent the opinions of the Native Plant Society of Oregon, unless so stated.

Memories of White Branch
by Marcia Cutler, 1999 Annual Meeting Chair

Emerald Chapter began planning the 1999 Annual Meeting in the spring of 1998, and decided to go to the High Cascades, to add a Friday field trip and to try and make the weekend very affordable. Rhoda Love coined our motto "Get high the last summer of the millennium" and we were off and running. We found that group camps in the McKenzie Bridge area had precious few openings and felt lucky to score Camp White Branch, with its CCC built lodge and 17 acres of old growth, waterfalls and meadows, for the end of July. We worried about flowers being all dried up by then and about not having White Branch's minimum 50 registrants (and many other things). But we advertised early and wide, and planned enthusiastically and by the end of June, we began to worry about the snow gate never opening and whether all the registrants would find a mattress, a parking space and enough food and how we would ever manage to register 120+ people between 3 and 6 p.m. Friday.

The big weekend approached, the snowgate opened (the day before!), the weather warmed up, the sun shined, Bruce Newhouse and his wonderful field trip leaders were able to reschedule the high mountain trips, Gail Baker and helpers filled the lodge with beautiful flowers donated by Kelly O'Neill, Justin Harris and other Emeraldites set everything up, Sylvia Giustina's crew registered all the attendees without the dreaded 'crunch' occurring, and even the mosquitoes stayed away from the Camp! (but not, I hear, some of the field trips.)

We had four half-day field trips on Friday and Charlene Simpson put together a social with a walk to the White Branch waterfall, a cold buffet, a delightful Botany Sing-a-long with Emily Fox, and a dynamite Cascades flower slide show by Phil Warner and Dale McBride. On Saturday we had several field trips, a spinach lasagna banquet, new state officers induction, honoring of the Fellows Kenton Chambers and Wilbur Bluhm, and an exciting slide-illustrated talk by William Sullivan. Sunday brought some half-day field trips and the State Board meeting.

Many people worked many, many hours for us. The White Branch staff provided everything we asked for and more - we were especially grateful for all the yummy food and the fresh fruits and vegetables. We had 145-plus attendees, which broke the previous Annual Meeting record, we covered our expenses and people found a profusion of flowers on the field trips, including ones they'd never seen before.

I asked the Emerald Board, the Annual Meeting Committee and the field trip leaders to jot down their favorite memories and here are some of them. If these memories inspire any of you to write something, please send them to me and I'll put them together for "More Memories of White Branch."

Charlene Simpson, Emerald: "The astonishing attendance (broke all prior Annual Meeting records); the many new faces; the gorgeous weather; outstanding programs and enthusiastic audience response both Friday night and Saturday night; the accommodation and graciousness of Camp personnel."

Rhoda Love, Emerald: "I most enjoyed a quiet Saturday afternoon in the shade chatting with a most amusing man and brilliant conversationalist, our retiring Bulletin editor, John Robotham. John didn't reveal his age but remembers seeing Lindbergh when the latter returned from his history-making non-stop flight across the Atlantic. John saw his first lady slipper orchid in 1930. He recalls a large pickerel which got away circa 1934. He was with the U. S. Air Corps, stationed in Brazil during WWII. For 40 years he was a librarian at the New York Public Library. He implied to me that many librarians have an impressive capacity for drink. He retired to Oregon in 1990, joined NPSO in 1992 and was Bulletin editor for 6 years from '93 to '99. Quite a guy!"

Gail Baker, Emerald: "Emily Fox and her botanical repertoire entertained the crowd on Friday evening (with a Calypso orchid song sung to a calypso beat and a revival of Herm Fitz's song "The Four Important Parts of a Flower" among many others. Dining room floral displays, supplied by Kelly O'Neil, added to the festive atmosphere."

David Wagner, Emerald, Quaking Aspen Swamp field trip leader: "I was with the group that went into Quaking Aspen Swamp. The high point of the day was certainly the discovery of big patches of sundews, Drosera rotundifolia. We were happy to find it on the north side of the pond, so one doesn't have to wade the stream to see it. Another thing we noticed that might be of interest was the presence of what appeared to be Cypripedium montanum stems, the tops eaten off by deer. We couldn't be sure that they were the orchid because the flowers were gone. And because the flowers were gone, we discussed the idea that one of the reasons the lady slipper has become rare is because the increasing deer population of the last century has led to the decline of orchids they like to eat."

Stu Garrett, High Desert, Newberry Volcano (nee Mt. Bachelor) field trip leader: "My memory is of a nearly cloudless view of the Cascades, the Crater Lake area, Hart Mountain, the Fort Rock Valley, the Blue Mountains, the Deschutes Basin, and the Three Sisters from the summit of Paulina Peak. Another highlight was finding a new species to add to the list in Newberry Meadow (a Sisyrinchium) and seeing rare Botrychiums at the Meadow and on The Dome. All of this with an enthusiastic and knowledgeable group!"

Bruce Newhouse, Emerald: "As field trip coordinator, my biggest memory has to be the snowpack. As the time drew nearer and nearer, we all had doubts, but just couldn't believe it would be a problem. Then after we did our reconnaissance the weekend before the meeting, we found it was true: four trips had to be instantly rescheduled -- after months of work getting everything in place, and having overflowing registration for the trips! Thanks to flexible trip leaders, and flexible meeting attendees, everything went smoothly, and we found a couple of great new sites for additional future trips, too."

Sylvia Giustina, Emerald : "I was surprised and pleased that registration flowed with such unanticipated ease given the numbers. Thinking it over, I attribute it in good part to the fact that name tags were printed in advance. Hence there was no bottle neck at the registration table with people writing out their own tags -- a belated, much deserved thanks to Justin Harris for the hours he put in on this project. I thoroughly enjoyed Wilbur Bluhm's field trip to the potholes. The varieties of flowers in the fen, i.e., swamp with running water as opposed to stagnant water, was both unexpected and illuminating for my gardening purposes: Pedicularis groenlandica, Viola palustris, Kalmia microphylla, Habenaria saccata and even Dodecatheon jeffreyi. Wilbur's expertise and genteel manner put the icing on the cake as well as adding some essential ingredients to the cake itself."

Marcia Cutler, Emerald: "The weather, the people (old friends and new), the flowers, the mountains, the entertainment, the camp, the food, the field trips - the polite arguments about the Monroe Maple - I loved it all! I especially remember walking in the woods and swimming in the pool in the dark, and listening to Rhoda Love and Henrietta and Kenton Chambers swap stories poolside Saturday afternoon."

Rare Plants of the Willamette Valley: Summer Intern Report
by Diana Fodor

The following is the second in a series of four articles in which NPSO/ODA interns discuss their activities during the 1999 field season. Interns were selected from a pool of applicants and worked with scientists from the Oregon Department of Agriculture/OSU Plant Conservation Biology Program to carry out research related to threatened and endangered species in Oregon. Project locations ranged from coastal beaches to serpentines of southwestern Oregon to the eastsideís high desert. Interns were jointly funded by NPSO, state, and federal dollars and plan to use their experience to further their careers in botany and biology. What follows here is Diana Fodorís article on rare plants of the Willamette Valley, which continues the theme started by intern Seth Bond last month. Thanks again to NPSO for contributing to botanical education and work experience.

Tom Kaye, Plant Conservation Biology Program, Oregon Department of Agriculture

This Summer the interns with the Oregon Plant Conservation Biology Program had the honor of becoming acquainted with many rare and endangered plants. Coming from all over the country to Corvallis, Oregon we were primed to climb mountains and wade through dark forests thick with ferns, mosses, and lichens. It was more then we expected when we came upon the pure white phantom-orchid, Eburophyton austiniae, deep within the moist coniferous forests of the southern cascades. We were awed to see the bizarre bogs of insectivorous cobra pitcher plants, Darlingtonia californica, growing alongside delicate white and yellow lady slipper orchids, Cypripedium californicum, in the Illinois Valley. The native plants of Oregon gave us beauty indescribable and moved our hearts. None of us expected many of these plants would be ones that grew in the open prairie lands of the Willamette Valley, but there are many rare plants to be found there. Of all the places we went this summer, spending time in the open, lumpy, and snaky prairie lands of the Willamette Valley was the biggest surprise.

When I began my journey from Michigan to Oregon in late April, I was anticipating the mountain peaks and the rocky beaches that make Oregon so different from my home. I did not expect a lot of our work to be in the most populated portion of the state, the Willamette Valley. The rare plants in here exist on the remaining remnants of prairie lands that once covered most of the region. The valley is the driest land mass west of the cascades because it lies in the rain shadow of the coastal mountain range. The most common plant communities are oak woodlands, coniferous forests, grasslands, shrub communities, and riparian forests. At the beginning of the nineteenth century most of the valley was open prairie and oak forest. The land had been kept open by annual burning by native peoples to maintain habitat for wild game and edible plants. Todayís rare prairie plants were all once more common in the valley a hundred or more years ago. We can only imagine the magnificent floral displays that once carpeted the valley floor every spring. The plant communities that exist in the Willamette Valley today are very different from those of the recent past, with the exception of a few native fragments.

These prairies consist of wetland and upland prairies. The wetland prairies are seasonally flooded and dominated by tufted hairgrass. The upland prairies consist primarily of well drained soils and native bunch grasses. They were both kept open by the fires of the Kalapuya people. Their fires cleared tree seedlings, brush, and many grasses. Since European settlers arrived in the valley in the mid-eighteen hundreds, the fires have been suppressed. The suppression of fire allowed tree seedlings to take hold and forest areas to encroach on prairie lands. The annual fire cycle of the Kalapuya people was interrupted by disease introduced from abroad by the settlers. The settlers also brought farming, livestock grazing, and, more recently, urban development and exotic weed plants. Today, prairie lands have become a rare ecosystem in Oregon.

There are at least ten extremely rare plant species in the Willamette valley. Many exist in such small populations that they were believed to be extinct until remnant populations were rediscovered. The Willamette Valley has so many rare plants because it has a high ecological diversity and has sustained large losses of habitat.

Bradshawís lomatium, Lomatium bradshawii, Nelsonís sidalcea, Sidalcea nelsoniana, white topped aster, Aster curtus, and the three colored monkey flower, Mimulus tricolor, are all rare plants of Willamette Valley wetland prairies. Bradshawís lomatium is a member of the parsley family and grows nowhere else in the world except the wet open areas of the Willamette Valley and southwest Washington. Nelsonís sidalcea is also endemic to the Willamette Valley and adjacent coast range. It is highly susceptible to herbicidal spray and was once common in the valley. The white topped aster was abundant from the Willamette valley to Vancouver Island in British Colombia. It was thought to have gone completely extinct till it was rediscovered in 1978 in Oregonís native grass lands. The beautiful three colored monkey flower, once common in the valley, is also now a rare treat to see in bloom from late May to June.

Other rare prairie plants include the Willamette Valley daisy, Erigeron decombens var. decumbens, Kincaidís lupine, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, shaggy horkelia, Horkelia congesta var. congesta., Howellís montia, Montia howellii, the peacock larkspur, Dephinium pavonaleum, in the southern valley, and white rock larkspur, Delphinium leucophaeum in the northern valley. The white rock lark spur is only found near the Columbia and Willamette rivers and the peacock larkspur is endemic to meadow lands around the Willamette. Both are listed as in danger of extinction. The Willamette Valley daisy was once very common on the heavy soils of grasslands and prairies. It was thought to be extinct due to habitat destruction from agriculture and development in 1934. The plant was rediscovered in 1980 outside Eugene, Oregon, and is now listed as endangered.

I have been lucky to see many plants that may not be around in the future. I was also very lucky to meet and be part of a group of people who are working hard to find a way to make a future for these plants. Habitats have changed rapidly in the last century for many prairie species. We should not be slow to help them for they are part of an ecosystem which is our home too. Thanks to Tom Kaye, Kelly Amsberry, Kendra Mingo, Cormac Collier, Seth Bond, Mitchell McGlaughlin, Matt Hadley, Oregon Department of Agriculture, and The Oregon Native Plant Society.

Friends of the Oregon Flora Project

We are grateful for the continued sponsorship of NPSO as we solicit funding for the new Flora and Atlas of Oregon vascular plants. Your donation of any size will help this effort. Please make your check payable to:

Native Plant Society of Oregon

and mail to:

Friends of the Oregon Flora Project
P.O. Box 402
Corvallis, OR 97339-0402

Highlights of the October State Board Meeting

October 2, 1999, Cordley Hall, OSU, Corvallis

by Rhoda Love, Secretary

The Board met on a gorgeous autumn day at Oregon State University. Many thanks to Esther McEvoy of Corvallis Chapter for securing the meeting room and providing drinks and delicious snacks.

The meeting got under way at 10:00 am sharp under the gavel of Bruce Newhouse, President. Twelve voting board members and a visitor were present. Also present were Scott Sundberg, Oregon Flora Project Coordinator, and Robert Meinke, Kelly Amsberry and Steve Gisler of the Oregon Department of Agriculture Rare Plant Program.

Treasurer pro tem Mike McKeag has shifted NPSO finances to an electronic format. He could not be present at the meeting, but sent a detailed explanation and spreadsheet of the current state of the Society's finances. An analysis of the data shows that income is up and expenditures down from the forecast for the year, indicating that the Society is presently in excellent financial health.

Bob Meinke, Director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture Rare Plant Program and his graduate students, Kelly Amsberry and Steve Gisler, were invited guests. Bob reviewed the history of the State Rare Plant program since its inception in 1988, and answered our questions about its operation and funding. The Board was impressed with the group's on-going research program, but respectfully requested that NPSO receive more frequent updates from the ODA program via Bulletin articles, or in-person reports at our meetings.

Scott Sundberg, Coordinator or the Oregon Flora Project, housed at the OSU Herbarium, thanked NPSO for its on-going financial and volunteer support, and gave us a detailed picture of the progress of the Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist, the Oregon Flora, and the Oregon Atlas. There have been some exciting recent botanical finds in the state. Five species that have not often been seen in Oregon or are new to the State have recently been reported. A species of Potentilla was found on Fuji Mountain; a member of the bog-bean family was found in Linn County; species of Galium and Baccharis came in from southern Oregon; and a St. John's wort has been reported.

The Flora Project hosted an excellent workshop on the genus Salix in September with willow expert George Argus. Dr. Argus annotated all the willows in the Oregon collection while he was in Corvallis Approximately 45% of the Checklist is done. The Atlas is moving forward and distribution maps for selected species may soon be available on the internet. Field work to gather additional lists for the Atlas will, it is hoped, be stepped up in the next field season. Friends of the Oregon Flora has raised approximately $8,000 for the Project to date. Several chapters reported that they have joined the "Igo Challenge." (See your September Bulletin.)

Dan Luoma is heading the Nominating Committee to choose candidates for officers and at-large board positions for the year 2000. All Chapters are asked to begin at once to recruit candidates for state offices and at-large board positions. Send names during the month of November to Dan at

Kareen Sturgeon has asked the Board to study the issue of Field Trip Safety. She presented a number of ideas for providing more information to field trip participants and making trips safer. This topic will be revisited at the January Board meeting in Portland. Chapters are asked to send their reactions to Kareen's suggestions to that meeting. (Chapter Presidents, please see details in the minutes of the October Board Meeting.)

Wilbur Bluhm has agreed to lead a trip to the new "Oregon Garden" under development near Silverton. The date for the trip will be Saturday, November 13. The Garden is still in the preliminary stages, but has received a large grant from a Native American group to develop a Willamette Valley white oak community. See the front page of this Bulletin for specifics of time and meeting place.

Seven chapters sent reports and all those reporting have exciting programs and field trips under way. Several report that they have taken up the "Igo Challenge" to raise funds for the Flora Project.

Current membership of NPSO state-wide is 947 members.

The next Board meeting will be on January 22 in Portland place to be announced. Mark your new Y2K calendars now!

Key to the Penstemons Now Available

The genus Penstemon is the largest genus of flowering plants native to North America only. Long time NPSO members Robin and Ken Lodewick of Eugene provided a great service to botanists and wildflower lovers in1994 when they published their Descriptive Key to Oregon Penstemons in Kalmiopsis. That key contained all 46 Oregon penstemons, and 2 species in closely-related genera. In previous years, they produced other publications for the American Penstemon Society: a field identifier, nomenclatural history, and early versions of keys. The new key contains all 272 species, and an additional 15 species which are in closely related genera -- most were included in the genus Penstemon at one time or another.

The Introduction discusses Penstemon biology, taxonomy and biogeography, and introduces the reader to the keys which follow. The book contains two types of keys: a Quick Key, which contains only one or two features in each couplet, and a Descriptive Key, which contains several additional features useful in confirming an identification. Identification features were selected that are easiest to learn and to see with a 10 power hand lens. Although the key is probably more detailed that a beginner would want to try, with a little patience and practice looking at the different shapes of anther sacs and how they open (and a few other features), nearly any budding botanist or wildflower enthusiast should be able to master the basics. The Lodewicks point out that their key is not meant to be an authoritative work for identification, but should be used as a tool, and followed up with a confirmation in a botanical manual. (Northwest Penstemons, by Dee Strickler, has full descriptions and excellent photographs that will help identify species in our area.)

The Lodewicks are true Penstemaniacs, from their ability to quote detailed features and locations of numerous species by memory, to their home landscaping which has contained over 100 species of penstemons over the years, they have an obvious passion for these stunning and varied flowers.

Key to the Genus Penstemon is self-published, and is available for $15 postpaid from the Lodewicks at 2526 University St., Eugene, OR 97403.

Mt. Pisgah Arboretum Event

Saturday, November 13, 9-11 A.M.: Ecology of Mt. Pisgah Arboretum ‚ Past and Future. To celebrate the Springfield-Eugene Museum Consortiumís new publicity brochure, we are offering the public a free tour of the Arboretum with Tom Bettman, a member of the Board of Directors. Meet at the Visitor Center at 9 A.M.

NPSO Membership Form: print, clip and mail


Membership is for the calendar year.

New memberships enrolled after September 1 include the following year.

Send completed form and full remittance to:

Jan Dobak, NPSO Membership Chair, 2584 NW Savier St., Portland, OR 97210-2412

Name ______________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

City _______________________________________________

State _______________ Zip+4 __________________________

Phone ______________________________________________

E-Mail _____________________________________________

Chapter (if known) ___________________________________

Is this a change of address?

If so, please write your old address here:




Please make checks for dues and contributions payable to:

native plant society of oregon

DUES include monthly Bulletin and Kalmiopsis when published. Membership is for calendar year. January to December.

( ) New

( ) Renewal

( ) Student $12

( ) Regular $18

( ) Family $24

( ) Sustaining $50

( ) Patron $100

( ) Life Membership $500

( ) Subscription Only (Bulletin & Kalmiopsis)$18

Only for those who wish to subscribe,

but do not want to have full membership status.

Contributions to NPSO are tax deductible.

Jean Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

$ _______

Leighton Ho Memorial Field Botany Award Fund

$ _______

Rare and Endangered Plant Fund

$ _______


Membership in the Native Plant Society of Oregon is open to all.

Membership applications, renewals and change of address (include old address) should be sent to the Membership Chair

State officers:

Directors (to 6/2000)

Dan Luoma, Ben Fawver, Steven Jessup

Directors (to 6/2001)

Dave Dobak, Esther McEvoy, Veva Stansell


Bruce Newhouse

Immediate Past President

Michael Igo

Vice President

Michael McKeag


Rhoda Love


Position Vacant

Chapter Presidents:

Blue Mountain (Pendleton)

Jerry Baker

Cheahmill (McMinnville)

Kareen B. Sturgeon


Steve Northway

Emerald (Eugene)

Marcia Cutler

High Desert (Bend)

Stu Garrett

Klamath Basin

David Lebo

Mid-Columbia (Hood River)

Jerry Igo

North Coast (Cannon Beach)

Christine Stanley


Shane Latimer

Siskiyou (Ashland)

Jim Duncan & Elaine Plaisance

Umpqua Valley (Roseburg)

Richard Sommer

Willamette Valley (Salem)

Walt Yungen

Wm Cusick (La Grande)

Frazier Nichol

State Committee Chairs:


Jerry Igo

Conservation, East Side

Stu Garrett

Conservation, West Side

Steven L. Jessup


Position vacant


Jan Dobak

Budgets and Grants

Dan Luoma


Bulletin Editor

Richard Greenough

Kalmiopsis Editor

Linda Ann Vorobik


Karl Anderson