Field Trip: McDowell Creek Falls

Sunday, March 30, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Field Trip: McDowell Creek Falls Trip Leader: John Savage John Savage will lead a walk to view Oregon fetid adder’s tongue (Scoliopus hallii) and other early-blooming wildflowers at McDowell Creek Falls near Sweet Home. The 1.7-mile loop walk (with 200 feet elevation gain) features lovely waterfalls and forests....

Event: Work Party at the Avery Native Plant Garden

Sunday, March 30, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm  Event: Work Party at the Avery Native Plant Garden Leader: Esther McEvoy Location: Avery House Nature Center, Avery Park, Corvallis Come help with an early spring cleanup. Dress for the weather and bring gloves, shovel, and clippers. Contact Esther for more information or to RSVP at 541-990-0948 or

Presentation: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and First Foods

Monday, April 7, 6:00 pm Presentation: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and First Foods Presenter: Klamath Tribal Member Chapter meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of each month at the Klamath County Museum in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Presentations are held at the Meeting Room at the back of the Klamath County Museum (1451 Main Street).

Zoom Program: Bugs

Thursday, April 10, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Zoom Program: Bugs Presenter: Dr. Christopher Marshall, Curator of Oregon State University Arthropod Collection Insects are an incredibly diverse and fascinating group of organisms and like many parts of the world, the Pacific Northwest supports an overwhelming amount of diversity. While many parts of the world support diverse insect fauna,...

Field Trip: High Desert Museum “Learning Forest” Tour

Saturday, April 12, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Field Trip: High Desert Museum "Learning Forest" Tour Presenters: High Desert Museum Staff Location: High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97, Bend For information or to register, contact our events coordinator at

Program: Taking Care of Oregon’s Kelp Forests

Friday, April 18, 2025, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm *Please note this is a Friday. Program: Taking Care of Oregon’s Kelp Forests Presenter: Sara Hamilton Location: 221 Allen Hall, University of Oregon, *Please note meeting is not at Amazon Community Center Sara is a marine ecologist who studies how ocean ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest...

Field Trip: Plant Bioblitz at Shevlin Park – iNaturalist City Nature Challenge

Saturday, April 26, 9:00 am - 11:00 am Field Trip: Plant Bioblitz at Shevlin Park - iNaturalist City Nature Challenge Leaders: Mara Huang, High Desert Chapter NPSO and Maureen Thompson, ThinkWild Location: Shevlin Park, 18920 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend High Desert Chapter is helping Beaver Works Oregon and ThinkWild at this event. For information or...

Event: Prairie Plant Research and Restoration at Wild Iris Ridge

Saturday, April 26, 2025, 9:30 am – 11:30 am Event: Prairie Plant Research and Restoration at Wild Iris Ridge Leaders: Katelin Kutella and Sarah Erskine, University of Oregon (UO) Ecologists Location: Wild Iris Ridge Join Katelin and Sarah to tour an experimental prairie research site at Wild Iris Ridge. This site is one of six...

NPSO State Meeting

The Portland Chapter is proudly hosting the statewide NPSO Annual Meeting May 16-18, 2025 at an iconic riverside setting at the award winning the Best Western Plus Hood River Inn, in Hood River, Oregon. A bank of guest room accommodations have been reserved at a special NPSO group discount rate until April of 2025, but...

Special Event: Mt. Pisgah Arboretum Wildflower Festival

Sunday, May 18th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Location: Mount Pisgah Arboretum, 34901 Frank Parrish Rd, Eugene This Festival is a great, family-friendly event with activities including an expansive wildflower display in the White Oak Pavilion highlighting over 200 local species, live music featuring local bands, the Art in Nature Trail with ephemeral art installations, guided...

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