Program: Stochasticity in Plant Communities Year Effects and Priority Effects in Recovery from Disturbance.

Thursday, January 16, 2025, 7:00 pm Program: Stochasticity in Plant Communities Year Effects and Priority Effects in Recovery from Disturbance. Speaker: Chhaya Werner, Ph.D Location: In-person presentation at our chapter meeting at Southern Oregon University Science Building, Room 161. Join us in-person or via Zoom from home.  To register for Zoom, go to As we work...

Presentation: Rivers to Ridges Partnership: Past, Present, and Future 

Monday, January 20, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Title: Rivers to Ridges Partnership: Past, Present, and Future  Presenter: Fraser McDonald, Willamalane Parks and Recreation District Location: Amazon Community Center, 2700 Hilyard St., Eugene Fraser is a natural resource planner at Willamalane Park and Recreation District in Springfield, Oregon, where he designs, plans, and implements natural resource management...

Work Party: Native Plant Garden at McMinnville Public Library

Saturday, January 25, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm  Work Party: Native Plant Garden at McMinnville Public Library Location: McMinnville Public Library Spend a couple hours with a congenial crew and learn how the beauty, diversity, and educational value of this mature demonstration garden is maintained with a minimum of effort. No experience is necessary. Bring gloves,...

Event: Master Gardeners Insights into Gardening

Saturday, February 8, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Event: Master Gardeners Insights into Gardening Location: LaSells Stewart Center on the Oregon State University campus. Parking is free and available across the street at the Reser Stadium parking lot or behind the building. Corvallis NPSO will have a table with information about using native plants in gardening...

Presentation: Oregon State University Campus Arboretum: The past, present, and future

Monday, February 10, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Presentation: Oregon State University Campus Arboretum: The past, present, and future Presenter: Dan Blanchard, The Curator of Living Plant Collections for the Oregon State University Campus Arboretum and an Instructor in the Department of Horticulture.   From Oregon white oaks that are older than the Declaration of Independence to a woody...

Volunteer Outreach: Assist with Native Plant Nursery Tasks

Tuesday, February 11, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Volunteer Outreach: Assist with Native Plant Nursery Tasks Leader: Michelle Osgood Location: Dorena Genetic Resource Center, 34963 Shoreview Drive, Cottage Grove Dorena Genetic Resource Center is seeking volunteers to join us on the second Wednesday of each month to help with various nursery tasks, including transplanting, pruning,...

Event: Zoom Presentation on Veva Stansell and the Botany of Hunter Creek’s Headwaters

Wednesday, February 12, 6:00 pm Leader: Julia Bott, or 650-520-5673 Event: Zoom Presentation on Veva Stansell and the Botany of Hunter Creek's Headwaters Raised in Pistol River in Curry County, Veva Stansell was a self-taught botanist who became renowned for her knowledge of the unique serpentine botany of the Siskiyou Mountains. Distinctive wild plant...

Program: Cascade Forest Conservancy: Helping to Build Healthy Biodiverse Forest and Aquatic Ecosystems

Thursday, February 13, 7:00 pm Program: Cascade Forest Conservancy: Helping to Build Healthy Biodiverse Forest and Aquatic Ecosystems Presenters: Amanda Keasberry, Science and Stewardship Manager for the Cascade Forest Conservancy Location: Zoom, register here Join us for an informative talk about Cascade Forest Conservancy, its stewardship efforts, and lessons learned about building biodiversity and robust ecosystems. Register to...

Event: Quarterly Membership Meeting via Zoom

Saturday, February 15, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Leader: Contact: Gail Perrotti, or 541-414-977 Event: Quarterly Membership Meeting via Zoom This is our quarterly membership business meeting, and we will be discussing our volunteer opportunities and 2025 activities including plant sale and garden tour. Members and guests are all welcome Zoom Link: Meeting ID:...

Presentation: Creating Backyard Habitat to Benefit Nature in our Yards and Community

Monday, February 17, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Presentation: Creating Backyard Habitat to Benefit Nature in our Yards and Community Presenter: Barbara Bryson Location: Amazon Community Center, 2700 Hilyard St., Eugene Barb Bryson is Director of Habitat Haven, a backyard habitat certification program that began in May. Supported by grants from Upper Willamette Soil and...

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