Book Reviews

Recent reviews:

  • Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley

    David G. Lewis
    ISBN-13: 9781947845404
    Ooligan Press
    unknown, Paperback, $30.00

    Full Review, posted February 3, 2024

  • Flora of Oregon Volume 2: Dicots A-F

    Stephen C. Meyers, Thea Jaster, Katie E. Mitchell, Tanya Harvey and Linda K. Hardison, eds.
    ISBN 978-1-889878-61-4.
    BRIT Press, Fort Worth, Texas
    861, Hardcover, $85.00

    Full Review, posted May 27, 2021

  • The View from Cascade Head: Lessons for the Biosphere from the Oregon Coast

    Bruce A. Byers
    ISBN 9780870710353
    Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon.
    216, 6 x 9 in. paper, $22.95

    Full Review, posted March 26, 2021

  • A Place for Inquiry, A Place for Wonder: The Andrews Forest

    William G. Robbins
    ISBN 9780870710193
    Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon.
    242 pp. 22 b&w photos, map, chart, table, index., 6 x 9 in. paper., $29.95

    Full Review, posted March 26, 2021

  • Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington

    field guide to grasses

    Cindy Talbott Roché, Richard E. Brainerd, Barbara L. Wilson, Nick Otting, and Robert C. Korfhage.
    ISBN 9780870719592
    Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon
    488 pp., Softcover, $35.00

    Full Review, posted December 29, 2019

  • Flora of the Pacific Northwest, An Illustrated Manual, Second Edition

    flora of the Pacific

    C. Leo Hitchcock and Arthur Cronquist Second edition edited by David E. Giblin, Ben S. Legler, Peter F. Zika, and Richard G. Olmstead
    ISBN 978-0295742885
    University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA
    936 pp, Hard cover, $75.00

    Full Review, posted July 17, 2019